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Discover the Fascinating World of Animal Crossing New Leaf Barred Knifejaw: A Complete Guide and Tips!

Discover the Fascinating World of Animal Crossing New Leaf Barred Knifejaw: A Complete Guide and Tips!

Are you a fan of Animal Crossing New Leaf? Do you love collecting different species of fish in the game? If so, have you caught the Barred Knifejaw yet?

The Barred Knifejaw is a rare and elusive fish that can be found swimming around your island's ocean. It is known for its striking black and white stripes, making it a popular catch for both beginner and experienced fishers alike.

But catching the Barred Knifejaw is no easy feat. It has a small size and fast movement, making it a challenge to reel in. However, with the right techniques and tools, you can successfully add this fish to your collection.

One tip for catching the Barred Knifejaw is to fish during the day when it is most active. Additionally, using high-end fishing equipment such as a Golden Fishing Rod can increase your chances of catching it.

Fun fact: Did you know that the Barred Knifejaw is a real-life fish species found in Asia and the western Pacific Ocean? It is also commonly referred to as the striped beakfish.

In Animal Crossing New Leaf, catching different fish species not only adds to your collection but also helps you earn Bells (the game's currency). Selling a Barred Knifejaw can fetch you a whopping 5,000 Bells!

But catching the Barred Knifejaw isn't just about earning Bells. It is also an achievement to add to your personal collection and showcase to your fellow players.

Another tip for catching the Barred Knifejaw is to fish near rocks or structures in the ocean. This fish often swims close to these objects, providing a higher chance of catching it.

If you're having trouble catching the Barred Knifejaw, don't worry. With patience and persistence, you will eventually catch it. And the feeling of finally reeling in this rare fish is a reward in itself.

In conclusion, catching the Barred Knifejaw in Animal Crossing New Leaf is a fun and exciting challenge that adds to your overall gameplay experience. With these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of catching it and add it to your growing collection.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your fishing rod and head to the ocean to catch the elusive Barred Knifejaw. It's time to show off your fishing skills and earn some Bells along the way.

Animal Crossing New Leaf Barred Knifejaw
"Animal Crossing New Leaf Barred Knifejaw" ~ bbaz

Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a game that has taken the world by storm. It is a simulation game where you get to live in a peaceful village and carry out various tasks, such as catching fish, planting trees, and interacting with other villagers. One of the fish that you can catch in the game is called the Barred Knifejaw. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at this fascinating creature.

What is a Barred Knifejaw?

A Barred Knifejaw (Oplegnathus fasciatus) is a type of fish that is commonly found in the North Pacific Ocean. It is recognizable by its distinctive body shape, which is elongated and flattened from side-to-side. The fish is characterized by its distinctive black and white stripes that run vertically along its body.

Where can you find Barred Knifejaws in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, you can find Barred Knifejaws swimming in the river and ocean during the months of March to November. They are most commonly caught in the evening and at night, with a medium-sized shadow size.

How do you catch a Barred Knifejaw?

To catch a Barred Knifejaw, you will need to use a fishing rod. When you see a fish shadow that looks like it might be a Barred Knifejaw, cast your line and wait for the fish to bite. Once the fish bites, you will need to reel it in by repeatedly pressing the A button. Be careful not to let the fish escape!

What is the value of a Barred Knifejaw?

In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, the Barred Knifejaw is worth 5,000 Bells when sold to Tom Nook at the Nookling Junction. This makes it one of the more valuable fish in the game.

What can you do with a Barred Knifejaw?

There are several things that you can do with a Barred Knifejaw once you catch one. You can keep it in your inventory and show it off to your friends, or you can sell it to Tom Nook for Bells. Alternatively, you can donate it to the museum to help complete Blathers' collection.

Fun Facts about Barred Knifejaws

They are named after their distinctive stripes.

The horizontal stripes that run along the body of the Barred Knifejaw are what give it its name. They are similar to the stripes that you might see on a zebra.

They are carnivores.

Barred Knifejaws are carnivorous fish, which means that they feed on other small marine creatures such as shrimp and crabs. They have sharp teeth that they use to catch and tear their prey.

They are popular in Japanese cuisine.

In Japan, the Barred Knifejaw is a popular food fish. It is often served grilled or raw in sashimi.

They are not related to the true knifejaws.

Despite their name, Barred Knifejaws are not actually part of the true knifejaw family (Oplegnathidae). Instead, they are part of a family known as the grunters, which includes several other species of fish.

They can live up to 20 years.

Barred Knifejaws have a relatively long lifespan for a fish, with some individuals living up to 20 years in the wild.


The Barred Knifejaw is a fascinating fish that can be found swimming in the rivers and oceans of Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It is characterized by its distinctive black and white stripes and is a popular food fish in Japan. Next time you're out fishing in the game, keep an eye out for this elusive creature!

Comparison between Animal Crossing New Leaf Barred Knifejaw


Animal Crossing New Leaf is a game where the main character (usually a human) becomes mayor of an animal-inhabited town. Players can interact with villagers, build custom homes, and personalize the town as they see fit. One of the aspects of this game is catching fish, which can then be sold for currency. One type of fish in the game is the barred knifejaw, which is found in the ocean. In this article, we will be comparing different aspects of catching and selling this fish.


The barred knifejaw is a fish that is black and white striped. It has a distinct shape with a pointy nose and sharp teeth. In real life, this fish can grow up to 65 cm long, but in the game it is much smaller. The fish can be found swimming around in the ocean around the player's town.

Catching Difficulty

The barred knifejaw can be caught with a fishing rod from the pier or by using a wet suit and diving in the ocean. Compared to some of the other fish in the game, the barred knifejaw is relatively easy to catch. They are not too fast, so players have time to reel them in. However, they do require a bit more skill to catch than some of the simpler fish.

Selling Price

When players catch a barred knifejaw, they can take it to Re-Tail to sell it for bells (the in-game currency). The price of the fish varies depending on a few factors. If the fish is large, players can generally sell it for more bells. The time of day and season also affect the price. The average selling price for a barred knifejaw is around 5,000 bells, but it can go up to 10,000 bells in certain situations.


The barred knifejaw is not one of the rarest fish in the game, but it is not very common either. Since it can only be caught in the ocean, players will need to venture out to catch it. Additionally, the fish does not appear during every month of the year, so players will need to wait for the right season to catch it.

Time of Day

In Animal Crossing New Leaf, the time of day affects which fish are available to catch. The barred knifejaw can be caught at any time of day, so players have a better chance of catching it compared to some of the other fish that can only be caught at specific times.


As previously mentioned, the barred knifejaw can only be caught in the ocean. However, it is important to note that the fish will not be found just anywhere in the ocean. Players will need to fish from the pier or dive in specific areas around their town.

Other Fish in Same Location

When players are fishing for a specific type of fish, it can be helpful to know what other fish are in the same location. The barred knifejaw can be found swimming around with other ocean fish such as the sea bass and the red snapper. While these fish are not as valuable as the barred knifejaw, players may still want to catch them for variety.

Uses in the Game

Other than selling the fish for money, the barred knifejaw does not have any other uses in the game. Some players may want to catch all of the fish available in the game for completionist purposes, but others may not see the point.

Comparison Table

To summarize the information above, we have created a comparison table for the barred knifejaw in Animal Crossing New Leaf.
Aspect Barred Knifejaw Sea Bass Red Snapper
Appearance Black and white striped with pointy nose and sharp teeth Brown with white underbelly Pink with white underbelly
Catching Difficulty Medium Easy Medium
Selling Price 5,000 to 10,000 bells 100 to 300 bells 3,000 to 6,000 bells
Rarity Not very common Very common Common
Time of Day Anytime Day or night Day or night
Location Ocean Ocean Ocean


In conclusion, the barred knifejaw is a fish that can be caught in Animal Crossing New Leaf. While it is not the rarest or most valuable fish in the game, it is still a fun catch for players who want to collect everything. In general, catching and selling the barred knifejaw is relatively simple and straightforward.

Tips and Tricks for Catching the Barred Knifejaw in Animal Crossing New Leaf


If you're an avid fisherman in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, then you're probably familiar with the elusive Barred Knifejaw. This deep sea fish can be a challenge to catch, but with the right techniques and equipment, you can add this unique fish to your collection.

Description of the Barred Knifejaw:

The Barred Knifejaw is a black and white striped fish that can be found swimming in the ocean around your town. It's a relatively rare catch, but it's worth the effort – each fish can sell for up to 5,000 Bells at Re-Tail.

When to Catch Barred Knifejaw:

The Barred Knifejaw is only available during certain months of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, it can be caught from March to November. In the Southern Hemisphere, it can be caught from September to May. It's available all day long, so you can try to catch it at any time of day.

Location where you can find Barred Knifejaw:

The Barred Knifejaw can only be found in the ocean, so you'll need to equip yourself with a fishing rod and head to the beach. You can fish off of the pier or on the beach near the water.

Fishing Rod:

To catch the Barred Knifejaw, you'll need to have a regular fishing rod. It won't work with a net or a fishing spear. Make sure your fishing rod is in good condition before you head out, as fishing with a damaged rod will make it harder to catch anything.

Bait to Use for Barred Knifejaw:

Although bait isn't strictly necessary for catching the Barred Knifejaw, it can increase your chances of success. The best bait to use is the fish bait, which you can craft yourself using Manila clams. To craft it, simply dig up some Manila clams on the beach and then use a fishing rod to catch more clams.

Time to Catch:

The Barred Knifejaw can be caught at any time of day, but it's more active during the mid-morning and mid-afternoon. You'll have a better chance of catching one if you try to fish during those times.

Catching Technique:

To catch the Barred Knifejaw, you'll need to cast your line into the ocean and wait for a fish to bite. When you feel a tug on your line, press the A button to reel in the fish. Keep tapping the A button to bring the fish closer to shore, but be careful not to reel it in too quickly or you may lose it.

Timing is Key:

Timing is key when it comes to catching the Barred Knifejaw. When you feel a tug on your line, wait a few seconds before reeling it in. This will give the fish time to take the bait and get hooked. If you reel it in too quickly, the fish may escape.


In order to catch the Barred Knifejaw easily, you'll want to make sure that you have a full set of upgraded fishing equipment. Also, be sure to have plenty of patience since this is a relatively rare fish that can take some time and skill to catch.


Catching the Barred Knifejaw in Animal Crossing: New Leaf can be challenging, but with the right techniques and a little bit of luck, you'll be able to add this unique fish to your collection. Remember to fish during the right time of day and use the right bait to increase your chances of success. With a little patience and persistence, you'll be able to catch this elusive fish in no time.

Animal Crossing New Leaf Barred Knifejaw: What You Need to Know

If you're an avid Animal Crossing fan, you've probably heard of the Barred Knifejaw. This stunning fish is one of the many species that players can catch and add to their collection in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. But if you're new to the game or just haven't caught a Barred Knifejaw yet, here's everything you need to know about this elusive creature.

The Barred Knifejaw is a type of sea bass that can be found in the ocean around your village. It's a medium-sized fish, with a maximum size of 80cm. The fish has a black and white striped pattern, which has made it a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts.

If you want to catch a Barred Knifejaw, you'll need to head to the ocean around your village. The fish can be caught all year round, but it's most common in June and July. You'll need to use a fishing rod to catch the fish, and like all fish in Animal Crossing, you'll need to have patience and perseverance.

One thing to note about the Barred Knifejaw is that it's a relatively rare fish. You might not catch one on your first try, or even your tenth try. But don't give up! With time and practice, you'll eventually catch one.

When you do finally catch a Barred Knifejaw, you'll be rewarded with a tidy sum of Bells. The fish sells for 5,000 Bells, which makes it one of the more valuable fish in the game. You can also donate the fish to the museum, where it will be put on display for all to see.

Aside from its monetary value, the Barred Knifejaw is a beautiful addition to any aquarium in your home. Its distinctive pattern and bold colors are sure to make a statement among the other fish in your collection.

There are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind if you want to catch a Barred Knifejaw. First of all, try fishing at different times of the day. The fish is most active during the day, but it can also be caught at night. Also, make sure you're fishing in the right location. The Barred Knifejaw can be found around the reefs and rocks in the ocean.

If you're having trouble catching a Barred Knifejaw, you might want to consider using bait. Bait can increase your chances of catching a specific type of fish, and it's especially useful when trying to catch rare fish like the Barred Knifejaw.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the Barred Knifejaw is a seasonal fish. While it can be caught all year round, it's most common during the summer months. So if you're unable to catch one during the winter, don't despair - just wait until summer rolls around again.

In conclusion, the Barred Knifejaw is a valuable and beautiful fish that every Animal Crossing player should try to catch at least once. While it can be tricky to catch, with patience and perseverance, you'll eventually add this stunning creature to your collection.

If you're a newcomer to the game, why not start your journey today? And for veteran players, don't forget to add the elusive Barred Knifejaw to your aquarium! Happy fishing!

People Also Ask About Animal Crossing New Leaf Barred Knifejaw

What Is A Barred Knifejaw In Animal Crossing New Leaf?

A barred knifejaw is a type of fish found in the ocean in the game Animal Crossing New Leaf. It is a rare fish that can only be caught during certain months and times of day.

How Do You Catch A Barred Knifejaw In Animal Crossing New Leaf?

To catch a barred knifejaw in Animal Crossing New Leaf, you will need to have a fishing rod and be standing in the ocean. The fish can only be caught during the months of March, April, May, June, September, and October, and only between the hours of 4pm and 9am. Once you see the shadow of the fish in the water, cast your line and wait for it to bite.

What Is The Value Of A Barred Knifejaw In Animal Crossing New Leaf?

The value of a barred knifejaw in Animal Crossing New Leaf is 5,000 Bells. This makes it one of the most valuable fish in the game.

Can You Sell A Barred Knifejaw In Animal Crossing New Leaf?

Yes, you can sell a barred knifejaw in Animal Crossing New Leaf. You can sell it to Tom Nook's store for 5,000 Bells, or you can sell it to other players for even more if they are willing to pay.

What Is The Size Of A Barred Knifejaw In Animal Crossing New Leaf?

The size of a barred knifejaw in Animal Crossing New Leaf is medium. It is larger than some of the smaller fish in the game, but smaller than some of the more rare and valuable fish like the coelacanth.

Can You Donate A Barred Knifejaw To The Museum In Animal Crossing New Leaf?

Yes, you can donate a barred knifejaw to the museum in Animal Crossing New Leaf. Head to the museum and talk to Blathers, and he will gladly take your fish to put on display.

How Rare Is A Barred Knifejaw In Animal Crossing New Leaf?

A barred knifejaw is considered a rare fish in Animal Crossing New Leaf. It can only be caught during certain months and times of day, and it is not always easy to spot in the water.

What Is The Best Time Of Day To Catch A Barred Knifejaw In Animal Crossing New Leaf?

The best time of day to catch a barred knifejaw in Animal Crossing New Leaf is between the hours of 4pm and 9am. This is the only time when the fish is available to catch.

As you can see, the barred knifejaw is a valuable and rare fish in Animal Crossing New Leaf. If you want to catch one, make sure you are fishing in the ocean during the right months and times of day, and be patient while you wait for it to bite.