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Challenge Your Mind with Direct An Animal To Move Crossword - A Fun and Brain-Teasing Puzzle Game

Challenge Your Mind with Direct An Animal To Move Crossword - A Fun and Brain-Teasing Puzzle Game

Are you a fan of crossword puzzles? Do you ever struggle with clue number 3 - Direct an animal to move? Look no further! We've got the solution for you.

Firstly, let's break down the clue. Direct means to guide or steer something in a particular direction. An animal is a living organism that moves on its own accord. So, we're looking for a word that will guide an animal to move.

A common answer for this clue is 'herd'. However, it's important to note that herding isn't necessarily directing an animal to move, but rather guiding a group of animals in a certain direction.

So, what's the answer? Drumroll please... It's 'drive'!

Not convinced? Let's take a look at some statistics. According to online crossword puzzle forums, 'drive' is the most popular answer for this clue. Additionally, 'drive' has been used as the answer for this clue in various newspapers and puzzle publications.

Need further proof? Here are some examples of 'direct an animal to move' clues that have been answered with 'drive':

- Guide sheep

- Take cattle to pasture

- Steer oxen

In these examples, 'drive' perfectly fits the definition of directing an animal to move. It also uses different types of animals, proving its versatility as an answer.

But wait, there's more! 'Drive' can also be used in a figurative sense, such as drive someone up the wall or drive a point home. This added layer of meaning makes 'drive' a valuable addition to any crossword puzzle.

Now that we've established 'drive' as the answer to clue number 3, you can confidently fill in the crossword grid and move on to the next challenge. And who knows, maybe 'drive' will become your new favorite crossword answer.

In conclusion, 'drive' is the perfect solution to the clue 'direct an animal to move.' Its versatility, popularity, and figurative use make it a strong choice for any puzzle enthusiast. So, the next time you come across this clue, remember the answer is just a five-letter word away.

Direct An Animal To Move Crossword
"Direct An Animal To Move Crossword" ~ bbaz

Directing an Animal to Move in a Crossword Puzzle


Are you a fan of crossword puzzles? Do you enjoy testing yourself with challenging puzzles? Well, if you do, then you may have come across some animal-themed crossword puzzles that require you to direct an animal to move in a certain direction. Directing an animal to move in a crossword puzzle may seem simple at first, but it can be quite tricky if you're not familiar with the methods used to indicate direction in crosswords.

Critical Steps to Direct An Animal to Move Crossword

To help you with this challenge, we will provide you with some helpful tips on how to direct an animal to move in a crossword puzzle.

Step 1: The Clue

As with any crossword puzzle, the first step is to take note of the clue. The clue will usually give you some indication of what kind of animal you are dealing with and what direction it needs to move. For example, a clue might read bird moves upwards or monkey moves left.

Step 2: The Directional Words

The next step is to look for directional words in the clue. These words will indicate which direction the animal needs to move in. Common directional words include up, down, left, right, north, south, east, and west.

Step 3: Fill in the Blanks

Once you have figured out the animal and the direction, the next step is to fill in the blanks. If the answer requires a three-letter word, then fill in the blanks accordingly, taking into account the direction in which the animal needs to move.

Step 4: Check Your Answer

After filling in the blanks, double-check your answer to make sure that it makes sense both semantically and structurally. If it's correct, then pat yourself on the back! If it's not correct, then go back to the clue and see if you've missed any vital information.

Common Animal Directions in Crossword Puzzles

Here are some common directional phrases you may encounter in animal-themed crossword puzzles:


Upwards or northwards: Indicates that the bird is flying in the upward direction.


Left or west: This indicates that the cat or dog is moving towards the left side or westward.Right or east: This tells the solver that the cat or dog is moving towards the right side or eastward.


Left or west: This clues indicates that the monkey is swinging towards the left position.Right or east: This directs the solver that the monkey is moving/swinging on the right side of the scene.

Variations of Animal Movements

Of course, there are many other variations of animal movements that you may encounter in crossword puzzles, but these are among the most common. With a little practice and knowledge of directional phrases in crossword puzzles, you'll be able to direct an animal to move in no time.


In conclusion, directing an animal to move in a crossword puzzle requires attention to detail and a good understanding of directional phrases. Hopefully, after reading this article, you have a better understanding of how to direct an animal to move in a crossword puzzle. Remember to always double-check your answers, and never give up on solving the puzzle!

Direct An Animal To Move Crossword – The Pros and Cons


Animals have been used for transportation, labor, and food for centuries. Humans have domesticated animals such as horses, camels, and oxen, among others, to help with daily activities. One of such activities is moving animals from one place to another. Directing an animal to move from one place to another can be done in several ways. One way of directing an animal is by using a crossword. This article will explore the pros and cons of using a crossword to direct animals.

What is Directing An Animal To Move Crossword?

A Direct An Animal To Move Crossword is a crossword puzzle that has been designed to direct an animal from one location to another. It is a paper puzzle that is taped to the head of the animal. The animal is then directed to follow the instructions on the crossword puzzle. These instructions may include turning left, right, walking straight ahead, and stopping.

The Pros of Using Directing An Animal To Move Crossword

There are some advantages to using Directing An Animal To Move Crossword:

Pros Cons
Easy to use Requires training of the animal
Can be used in remote areas Not effective in crowded areas
Cost-effective Only suitable for certain animals

Easy to Use

The Direct An Animal To Move Crossword can be designed for people with any language capability. The puzzles instructions are easy to understand even if the person using it doesn’t speak the same language as the animal. This makes it easier for people who are not fluent in the language of the animal to direct them.

Can be Used in Remote Areas

Directing An Animal To Move Crossword is suitable for use in remote areas where there are no signs or other identifying marks. The crossword is then used to guide the animal to where it needs to be.


Compared to other methods of directing animals, Directing An Animal To Move Crossword is cost-effective. It only requires paper and ink to print the crossword puzzle.

The Cons of Using Directing An Animal To Move Crossword

Despite the pros, using Directing An Animal To Move Crossword has its disadvantages:

Requires Training of the Animal

To use Directing An Animal To Move Crossword, the animal needs to be trained. They need to understand what the crossword puzzle is meant to do before it can be used effectively. This means additional time and resources are needed to train the animal.

Not Effective in Crowded Areas

In crowded areas, it is difficult to direct an animal using crossword puzzles. There is too much commotion that will confuse the animal, and they may lose direction. Directing an animal in crowded places requires the human to guide them directly.

Only Suitable for Certain Animals

Directing An Animal To Move Crossword is only suitable for certain animals, such as those that are domesticated and can follow instructions. Some animals such as wild animals may not be trainable in this method due to their unpredictable nature.


Directing An Animal To Move Crossword is an interesting method for directing animals that are domesticated, trainable, and found in remote areas. As we have seen, it has its pros and cons. It is essential to evaluate its advantages and disadvantages based on factors like the training process, its suitability to certain animals, and the environment where it will be used before considering using it to direct animals.

Directing An Animal To Move Crossword - Tips and Tutorial


Crossword puzzles are not only fun but also challenging. Crossword puzzles themed around animals are quite common, and one of the common clues in such crosswords is directing an animal to move. Directing an animal to move is one of the basic steps to complete a crossword puzzle. In this article, we will guide you on how to direct an animal to move.

The Basics - Understanding the Clue

The first step to direct an animal to move is to understand the clue. The clue might contain information about the animal's movement, such as its direction or speed. Some animal movements can be tricky, and understanding the clue is essential for solving the crossword. Look out for words or phrases such as move, migrate, scamper, slither, or fly.

Crossword Puzzle Strategies

Before jumping into any crossword puzzle, it's important to have a strategy in place. Here are some tips to follow before starting the puzzle:

1. Start with Easy Clues

Starting with easy clues can be helpful as it gets your momentum going. These clues often contain an obvious answer that can give you a head start. It also helps build your confidence, which is essential when solving harder clues.

2. Work with the Grid

When solving a crossword puzzle, it's important to keep the grid structure in mind. The answers you put must align with the number of boxes available in the grid. You can also take advantage of the square structure to determine the number of letters and position for a specific word or phrase.

3. Use Context Clues

Context clues refer to any information provided in the contextual or surrounding sentence. These clues may include synonyms or antonyms, reference to specific locations or events, or even a direct explanation of a word. Using context clues can lead you to the correct answer.

Directing an Animal to Move - Tips and Tricks

When directing an animal to move, you must remember that different animals move differently. Here are some tips and tricks to guide you:

1. Look for Cues in Nature

If you are unsure of an animal's movement, try to find out more about the animal's habitat, behavior and natural movements. This can help you understand how the animal’s body works as well as common habits, which can guide you in selecting the right clue to solve the puzzle.

2. Use Your Imagination

Sometimes the solution to a crossword clue is not uncommon but is written in an unusual way. Use your imagination and think outside the box when searching for a solution. Use a combination of general knowledge and associative thinking to arrive at the answer.

3. Don't Assume Too Much

In crossword puzzles, it's common to assume already completed answers based on previous work. However, this is not always the case, and it’s important to keep cross-checking with other entries in the grid.


Directing an animal to move in a crossword might seem challenging at first, but with enough practice and tips like those given above, you will be able to solve such clues with ease. Remember to read the clues carefully, pay attention to the word count and form the words in the crossword based on the structure of the grid. And most importantly, have patience and fun along the way!

Direct An Animal To Move Crossword

Welcome to the world of crossword puzzles. In this article, we will be discussing a particular type of crossword puzzle game called Direct An Animal To Move Crossword. This game is not only entertaining, but it is also educational and helps improve your cognitive skills. So, whether you are a puzzle enthusiast or simply looking for a fun and engaging activity, this game is perfect for you.

Firstly, let's talk about the objective of the game. The primary goal is to direct an animal to move from one point to another without colliding with obstacles or getting stuck. You will be given a series of clues that will help you identify the correct path for the animal.

The animal can move in different directions, but you have to ensure that each move is in the correct direction. The obstacle may include rocks, bushes, trees, or any other objects that may impede the animal's movement. Your task is to find a clear path by solving the clues.

One of the great things about Direct An Animal To Move Crossword is how it helps improve your cognitive skills. The game requires you to use your problem-solving skills, logic, and critical thinking ability to solve clues and advance through the levels. It enhances your mental agility and increases brain functioning.

You might think that direct animal movement puzzle games are only for kids. However, that is not the case. Adults can also reap benefits from playing this type of game. Directed animal puzzles can be played alone or with a group of friends, making it a great social activity that is both fun and challenging.

If you are new to the game, start with easy levels and work your way up to harder ones. As you progress through the levels, the difficulty increases, which makes it more stimulating to solve the puzzle. The more you play, the better you get at solving the clues.

Direct animal movement puzzle games are also ideal for those looking for a creative escape from their hectic lives. The game is a great way to relax and unwind whilst keeping the mind active. It provides a much-needed break from the daily routine and can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere.

In conclusion, Direct An Animal To Move Crossword is a fantastic and entertaining way to develop your cognitive and mental skills. Whether you're an adult or child, new to crossword puzzles or an experienced player, this game will provide hours of fun and challenge. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try and direct that animal to its destination!

Thank you for reading this article on Direct An Animal To Move Crossword. We hope that you find the information useful and engaging. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Happy Puzzling!

People Also Ask About Directing an Animal to Move Crossword

What does directing an animal to move mean?

Directing an animal to move refers to the act of guiding or controlling an animal's movement to a specific location or direction. This can include training animals to obey specific commands or using physical cues to direct their movement.

What are some common commands used to direct animal movement?

Some common commands used to direct animal movement include:

  • Sit - for dogs to sit and stay in one spot
  • Come - for dogs to come to their owner
  • Heel - for dogs to walk closely beside their owner
  • Giddyup - for horses to start moving
  • Whoa - for horses to stop moving

What are some tools used to direct animal movement?

Some tools used to direct animal movement include:

  • Leashes and collars - for dogs to be physically guided
  • Bridles and reins - for horses to be guided by a rider
  • Whips and crops - for horses to be directed with physical cues

How can I learn to direct an animal's movement?

To learn how to direct an animal's movement, it is recommended to seek guidance from a professional animal trainer or instructor who can provide proper techniques and instruction. Practice and consistency are also important in training animals to follow commands and movements.