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Discover the Vibrant World of Animal Crossing New Horizons with the Rare and Beautiful Rainbow Stag

Discover the Vibrant World of Animal Crossing New Horizons with the Rare and Beautiful Rainbow Stag

Animal Crossing New Horizons: Everything You Need to Know about Rainbow Stag

Animal Crossing New Horizons has taken the world by storm since its release in March 2020, with millions of players worldwide immersing themselves in the game's charming and calming world. The Rainbow Stag is one of the latest editions to the game's extensive collection of bugs, fish, and other collectibles. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about the Rainbow Stag in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

What is a Rainbow Stag?

The Rainbow Stag is a rare type of bug found in Animal Crossing New Horizons. It is one of the most colorful creatures in the game, known for its dazzling appearance. The Rainbow Stag appears in the game during the summer months, between June and September, and can be found primarily on trees around players' islands.

Why is the Rainbow Stag so Special?

The Rainbow Stag is one of the most distinctive and sought-after bugs in the game. The reason for its popularity lies in its vibrant colors and striking appearance. The Rainbow Stag's body is mostly blue, with yellow and green stripes running down its back. Its antenna are white and orange, giving it a unique look that is hard to miss.

How to Catch the Rainbow Stag?

If you want to catch a Rainbow Stag in Animal Crossing New Horizons, here is what you need to do. First, make sure you have the right tools. You will need a net to catch the Rainbow Stag, and you should also consider equipping yourself with some bait. Once you have the right tools, head to your island's trees and look for the Rainbow Stag on the tree bark. When you spot the bug, get close and carefully swing your net at it to catch it.

What is the Value of a Rainbow Stag?

The Rainbow Stag has a value of 6,000 Bells, which makes it one of the more valuable bugs in the game. You can sell it at Nook's Cranny or use it as a decorative item to spruce up your island.

What Can I Do with a Rainbow Stag?

There are many things you can do with a Rainbow Stag in Animal Crossing New Horizons. As we have mentioned earlier, you can sell it for a good amount of Bells or keep it as a decorative item to add color to your island. You can also display it in your museum's insect exhibit, where it will join other bugs in a stunning display for other players to admire.

Tips for Catching a Rainbow Stag

If you want to increase your chances of catching a Rainbow Stag in Animal Crossing New Horizons, here are some helpful tips. First, make sure you are looking for the Rainbow Stag during the right season, which is between June and September. Second, concentrate on looking for the Rainbow Stag near the trees that are found on the higher levels of your island. Finally, bring some bait along with you to attract the Rainbow Stag to your location.

Final Thoughts

The Rainbow Stag is one of the most charming and beautiful animals in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Catching it can be a challenge, but it's well worth the effort if you want to own one of the most striking creatures in the game. We hope this article has been helpful in giving you insights and tips on how to catch a Rainbow Stag. Make the most out of the summer months and go Rainbow Stag hunting today.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your net and head outside to catch your very own Rainbow Stag in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Rainbow Stag
"Animal Crossing New Horizons Rainbow Stag" ~ bbaz

The Rainbow Stag: One of Animal Crossing New Horizons’ Most Colorful Bugs

Animal Crossing New Horizons has been a game that has lit up our worlds, particularly during these days when most of us are stuck at home. The game transports you to an idyllic island, where you have the chance to build your own community from scratch. One of the things that make this game all the more fun is the inclusion of bugs - and the Rainbow Stag isn't just any bug. It's one of the most colorful and fascinating creatures in the game.

What is Rainbow Stag?

Rainbow Stag is a beetle that players can find exclusively in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It’s a very rare bug, which means that it’s highly sought-after by collectors – not to mention that it's also a great catch for those who simply enjoy watching and observing different insect species.

One of the things that makes this bug so distinctive is the iridescent colors exhibited on its body – they’re incredibly bright, with shades ranging from green to blue. If you're lucky enough to catch one, you'll marvel at how shiny and vibrant it looks, especially when it is under direct sunlight.

Where to Find Rainbow Stag?

In keeping with the rarity of the Rainbow Stag, it can only be found in certain specific locations within the game. The ideal time to look out for this particular beetle is between the months of June and September; you'll find them only during the night between 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. Since this bug can only be caught on coconut trees, players should plant these trees in order to improve their chances of catching this bug.

Why Collect Rainbow Stag?

Many Animal Crossing players enjoy collecting bugs – and the Rainbow Stag is one of the best to have in your collection! Apart from being incredibly beautiful, it’s also worth a whole lot of bells. The Rainbow Stag goes for 6,000 bells when sold to Nook's Cranny while Flick will purchase it for a whopping 9,000 bells. It’s a fantastic way to earn some extra cash in the game, which you can then use to upgrade your island or decorate your home.

Tips to Catch Rainbow Stag

If you're looking to catch this enigmatic beetle, there are certain specific strategies you can use to help you succeed. One of the most effective techniques is to look for palm trees on your island. Rotate your camera view to increase its reach and find an area that seems to be active with beetles at night.

When walking around the island, keep a sharp eye out for the specific color of the Rainbow Stag - It reflects brightly under the moonlight and can be seen from afar. Once you spot one, move slowly towards it in order not to scare it away. Finally, equip your bug net and slowly move up to catch it.

The Verdict

In conclusion, the Rainbow Stag is one of the most beautiful and rarest bugs in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Finding and catching one is quite a challenging feat, but it’s certainly worth it. Not just for the reward of being able to sell it for bells in the game, but also for the sheer visual spectacle of having such a vibrant bug on display in your museum or even your own home.

All in all, the Rainbow Stag is truly a marvel of nature - and one of the many reasons why Animal Crossing New Horizons remains such an engaging and enjoyable game for so many players around the world.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Rainbow Stag: A Comparison


Animal Crossing New Horizons has taken the gaming world by storm since it's launch in March 2020. With players spending hours customizing their islands, catching fish and bugs, the game offered more than just escape from reality. One such bug that players have been in search of is the Rainbow Stag. In this blog article, we will be comparing and contrasting the Rainbow Stag with other bugs found in Animal Crossing New Horizons.


The Rainbow Stag is a beautiful bug with iridescent colors. The shades of blue, green, and purple make it stand out amongst other bugs. With its long antlers, it can give an impression of being intimidating. On the other hand, the Tarantula is a spider-like creature with hairy legs that can put anyone off. Though both creatures have certain characteristics that set them apart, the Rainbow Stag dominates in appearance.


The Rainbow Stag is a rare bug that can be seen between June and September. Players can find it on trees from 7 PM to 8 AM. It can fetch a good price if sold to the merchants. On the other hand, the Mole Cricket is available throughout the year but can only be heard, not seen. It makes unique sounds that players can use to locate it. The Rainbow Stag being visible increases its catchability.


As mentioned earlier, the Rainbow Stag can mostly be found on trees. Meanwhile, the Flea can be found by shaking trees or on villager's heads. To catch the flea, a player needs to sneak up on the villager and catch it as soon as it jumps off. The Rainbow Stag and the flea are worlds apart in their location.


The Rainbow Stag can fetch a good price of 6,000 bells if sold to the merchants. The price is not as high as some other rare bugs like the Golden Stag or the Emperor Butterfly but is still valuable. In contrast, the Ladybug can be caught year-round but only offers a measly 200 bells. It's evident that the Rainbow Stag is quite valuable compared to the Ladybug.


Catching the Rainbow Stag can be difficult because it’s visible during specific hours. Also, players need to be patient and wait for it to land on a tree before they can catch it. On the other hand, the Dung Beetle is much harder to catch because it stays hidden under snowballs. Finding the perfect snowball to roll and catch the Dung Beetle can be frustrating. The Rainbow Stag is difficult but not as hard as the Dung Beetle.


Since the launch of the game in March 2020, many players have had the Rainbow Stag on their wishlist. It's one of the most beautiful bugs in the game, making it a highly sought after creature. Meanwhile, players rarely give any attention to the Pillbug and usually run over them. The Rainbow Stag wins by popularity.

Comparison Summary:

Bug Comparison Appearance Catchability Location Value Difficulty Popularity
Rainbow Stag Wins Wins Wins Value Loses Wins
Tarantula Loses Wins Wins Value Wins Loses
Mole Cricket Loses Loses Loses Loses Wins Loses
Flea Loses Loses Wins Loses Wins Loses
Ladybug Loses Wins Loses Loses Wins Loses
Dung Beetle Loses Loses Wins Loses Wins Loses
Pillbug Loses Loses Wins Loses Wins Loses


After comparing the Rainbow Stag with other bugs found in Animal Crossing New Horizons, it's evident that the Rainbow Stag is one of the most beautiful and valuable bugs in the game. Its location, catchability, and popularity have made it a highly sought after bug among players. Overall, we can say that the Rainbow Stag is a must-have for players who want to increase their island value.

Tips and Tricks for Catching a Rainbow Stag in Animal Crossing: New Horizons


One of the most exciting things about Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the ability to catch various bugs and fish. It can be difficult to catch all of them, but with practice and patience, you can add them all to your collection. One bug that has been particularly tricky for many players to catch is the Rainbow Stag.

What is the Rainbow Stag?

The Rainbow Stag is a rare insect that can be found in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It is a type of beetle that appears during the summer months from June-September, between the hours of 7 pm and 8 am. Its appearance is quite unique - it has a colorful rainbow texture on its body and large antlers.

How to Find a Rainbow Stag

When it comes to catching a Rainbow Stag, the first step is to find one. They can be found on trees in your town, so keep an eye out for them while exploring. They can be found on palm trees as well as regular trees, so don't limit your search to just one type of tree.

Look for Sunny Days

Another tip for finding Rainbow Stags is to wait for a sunny day. These bugs tend to appear more frequently during bright, sunny weather, so keep an eye on the weather forecast and plan your bug-catching trips accordingly.

Don't Run Around

When trying to catch a Rainbow Stag, it's important not to run or sprint around your town. If you run too quickly, you'll scare away the bug and won't have a chance to catch it. Move slowly and cautiously, being careful not to bump into any trees.

How to Catch a Rainbow Stag

Now that you've found a Rainbow Stag, the next step is to catch it. This can be challenging since these bugs are quite skittish and often fly away when approached.

Use a Net

The best way to catch a Rainbow Stag is with a net. Approach the bug slowly from behind, being careful not to startle it. Once you're close enough, swing your net quickly and catch the bug before it has a chance to fly away.

Be Patient

It's important to be patient when trying to catch a Rainbow Stag. These bugs can be finicky and may take a while to appear. Don't get discouraged if you don't see one right away - keep looking and be ready to catch it when it does appear.


Catching a Rainbow Stag in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be a bit tricky, but with a little bit of patience and practice, anyone can do it. Remember to look for them on sunny days and move slowly to avoid scaring them away. And when you finally catch one, it will be a beautiful addition to your bug collection. Good luck and happy bug-catching!

The Wonderful World of the Rainbow Stag in Animal Crossing New Horizons

If you’re an avid Animal Crossing fan, then you already know that the game is all about building and customizing an idyllic island paradise. However, what some players may not be aware of is the wide range of creatures and critters that can be found lurking around their island home.

One of the most beautiful and elusive creatures that can be found on your Animal Crossing New Horizons island is the Rainbow Stag. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at this stunning insect, detailing everything from its habitats to its habits to help you track down this most magical of creatures.

First and foremost, it’s important to know that the Rainbow Stag only appears during specific times of the year, so you’ll need to be vigilant if you want to catch a glimpse of this creature. Specifically, the Rainbow Stag can be found prowling around your island during the months of June to September, making it a perfect summer addition to your collection.

Furthermore, there are certain conditions that must be met in order for the Rainbow Stag to appear on your island. Specifically, the Rainbow Stag can only be found perching on trees between the hours of 7 PM and 8 AM. This means that if you’re a night owl, you might have a better chance of spotting this elusive creature.

Once you’ve managed to spot a Rainbow Stag on your island, it’s time to catch it! While these creatures can be quite skittish, there are a few tricks you can use to increase your chances of catching one. For example, you can use bait to lure the Rainbow Stag closer to you, or sneak up on it from behind to avoid scaring it away.

If you’re successful in catching a Rainbow Stag, you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful and unique addition to your collection. This creature can be displayed in your home, traded with other players, or even donated to the museum for others to enjoy.

Of course, the Rainbow Stag isn't just a pretty insect to admire - it also has an important role to play in the game. Collecting creatures like the Rainbow Stag is a key part of completing your island's Critterpedia, which is a comprehensive guide to all of the bugs, fish, and sea creatures that can be found on your island. Filling out your Critterpedia is a great way to show off your skills as a master collector, and it can lead to some fantastic rewards and achievements.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start hunting for those Rainbow Stags! With their beautiful iridescent shells and skittish nature, they make the perfect challenge for any Animal Crossing New Horizons player looking to add some excitement and beauty to their island.

As always, we hope you’ve enjoyed this latest guide to one of the magical creatures of Animal Crossing New Horizons. We’re delighted to be able to share our love of the game with you, and we hope that you’ll continue to visit us for more helpful tips and tricks in the future.

Until next time, happy hunting!

People also ask about Animal Crossing New Horizons Rainbow Stag

What is the Rainbow Stag?

The Rainbow Stag is a species of beetle that can be found in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

When can I catch the Rainbow Stag?

The Rainbow Stag can be caught from June to September in the Northern Hemisphere and from December to March in the Southern Hemisphere.

Where can I find the Rainbow Stag?

The Rainbow Stag can be found on trees in your island. They are particularly fond of coconut trees or palm trees so keep an eye out for those.

What is the selling price of the Rainbow Stag?

The Rainbow Stag can be sold for 6,000 bells.

Do I need any specific tools to catch the Rainbow Stag?

You do not need any specific tools to catch the Rainbow Stag. However, it is recommended to use a net as this is the easiest and most effective way to catch bugs in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Can I donate the Rainbow Stag to the museum?

Yes, you can donate the Rainbow Stag to the museum. Specifically, it can be donated to the insect exhibit on the first floor of the museum.

Is the Rainbow Stag rare or common?

The Rainbow Stag is considered to be a rare bug in Animal Crossing New Horizons. However, it is not the rarest bug in the game.

Can I attract more Rainbow Stags?

You can try to attract more Rainbow Stags to your island by planting more coconut trees or palm trees. It is also advisable to catch bugs on sunny days as this is when Rainbow Stags are most likely to appear.

How can I increase my chances of catching the Rainbow Stag?

You can increase your chances of catching the Rainbow Stag by walking slowly towards it and swinging your net only when you are close enough. It is also helpful to use headphones or turn up the volume on your TV as you can hear the sound of their wings flapping when they fly near.