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Bull Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Tips, Tricks & Guide for Raising your Own Livestock

Bull Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Tips, Tricks & Guide for Raising your Own Livestock
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game that has taken the world by storm since its release in March 2020. The game allows players to create their very own island and invite cute, anthropomorphic animals to live on it. One of these adorable creatures happens to be a bull named Angus. In this article, we'll explore everything there is to know about Angus and why he should have a place on your island.First off, let's talk about Angus' appearance. He's a black and white bull with a muscular physique, making him one of the stronger characters on your island. But don't let his intimidating build fool you – Angus has a heart of gold and is always willing to help out his friends. He's also been known to sport some pretty cool accessories like glasses and hats, adding to his already charming personality.One of the perks of having Angus on your island is his love for fitness. He's always working on his muscles and encourages those around him to do the same. This can be great if you're someone who wants to get in shape too. You can easily participate in exercises with Angus like yoga, weightlifting, and even running laps around the island.Another reason to have Angus on your island is his love for music. He's been known to carry around a guitar and sing to his friends. If you're someone who enjoys live music, Angus would be the perfect addition to your island band. Plus, who wouldn't want a cute bull singing to them?When it comes to relationships, Angus is a loyal friend. He's always there for his pals and values honesty and trust. This can be seen through his interactions with other animals on the island. Knowing that Angus will always have your back can provide comfort and stability on your virtual getaway.Overall, Angus is a great addition to any Animal Crossing: New Horizons island. He's strong, kind, musical, and loyal – what more could you want in a virtual friend? So, if you're on the hunt for the perfect animal to add to your island, give Angus a try. You won't be disappointed.But before we sign off, here are some other notable characteristics about Angus that you might find interesting. Did you know that Angus is a Taurus? His birthday falls on April 30th, making him a perfect addition to your island during the springtime. Additionally, Angus' catchphrase is macmoo, a play on the word moo that's bound to make you chuckle. In conclusion, Angus the bull is a must-have on your Animal Crossing: New Horizons island. He's strong, kind, musical, and loyal – everything you could ask for in a virtual friend. So, why not give him a try? Who knows, he might just become your new favorite character.
Bull Animal Crossing: New Horizons
"Bull Animal Crossing: New Horizons" ~ bbaz

As one of the newest members of the Animal Crossing franchise, Bull is an exciting addition to every player's island. With his tough exterior and love for all things athletic, he brings a unique energy to the game that can't be matched by any other villager.


Bull is a muscular, bull-like character with a rough-looking exterior. His horns are striking, and his muscles are well-defined, giving him a formidable appearance. However, despite his gruff exterior, he is known for his gentle personality and kind heart, making him a beloved member of the community.


Bull is a jock villager, meaning that he loves working out and participating in sports and other competitive activities. However, don't let his love for the physical fool you - he also has a nerdy side, often discussing his interests in science fiction and other geeky topics with his fellow islanders.

In terms of his personality, Bull is outgoing and friendly, always eager to make new friends and help others out. He loves to chat and can often be found wandering around the island looking for someone to talk to or engage in a competition with.


One of the best parts about having Bull on your island is the interactions you can have with him. Whether it's exercising together, playing a game of catch or fishing, or just chatting about his latest sci-fi obsession, there's never a dull moment when Bull is around.

In addition, Bull can also offer up some valuable advice and tips on how to improve your game, whether that's through perfecting your workout routine or honing your fishing skills. He's always happy to lend a helping hand, making him a valuable member of any community.


If you're looking to customize Bull's appearance, there are a few options available to you. For example, you can change the color of his clothes or accessories, or even give him a new hairstyle. Additionally, you can purchase themed items for him to wear, such as a superhero costume or sci-fi goggles.

There's plenty of room for creativity when it comes to customizing your island and its members, and Bull is no exception. No matter what look you decide on, he'll be sure to pull it off with style and charm.

Overall Impressions

Overall, Bull is an outstanding addition to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, bringing a unique mix of athleticism, nerdiness, and kindness to the game. Whether you're looking to engage in some lighthearted competition or just chat about your shared interests, he's always up for a good time.

So if you're looking to add some variety and excitement to your island, be sure to keep an eye out for Bull, the lovable jock with a heart of gold.

Comparison between Different Bull Species in Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a popular video game that allows players to build their own island paradise and interact with a variety of animals. One of the main animal species in the game are the bulls. There are several different types of bulls in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, each with their own unique characteristics and attributes. In this article, we will compare and contrast the differences between the various bull species in the game.

Bull Species Overview

There are currently four different bull species in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. These include the Angus, the Highland, the Spanish Fighting, and the Longhorn. Each of these species have different appearances and personalities.


The Angus bull is a black breed of cattle known for their short hair and muscular build. The Angus in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is no different. They have a slightly grumpy personality and are often found lazing around on the island. However, they are still friendly and will happily interact with players.


The Highland bull is a breed of cattle that originates from Scotland. They are known for their shaggy fur and long horns. The Highland in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the cutest species in the game, with a friendly and curious personality. They are also the only species that has a unique flower crown item that can be worn.

Spanish Fighting

The Spanish Fighting bull is a breed of cattle primarily raised for bullfighting. They are known for their muscular build and aggressive behavior. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the Spanish Fighting bull is a little less wild but still has a bold and confident personality. They can be difficult to tame at times, but once they warm up to players, they are loyal and friendly.


The Longhorn bull is a breed of cattle that originates from Texas. They are known for their noticeable horns that can extend up to five feet in length. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the Longhorn has a calm and easygoing personality. They are often found grazing on the island and are happy to interact with players.

Physical Comparisons

In addition to differences in personality, each bull species in Animal Crossing: New Horizons has unique physical characteristics.
Bull Species Color Horns Fur
Angus Black Short, curved Smooth, shiny
Highland Brown Long, curved upwards Shaggy
Spanish Fighting Brown, white Short, curvy Smooth, shiny
Longhorn Brown, white Long, straight outwards Shaggy

Interactions with Players

Each bull species in Animal Crossing: New Horizons interacts with players in different ways.


The Angus bull is generally less active and more laid back than the other species. They can be found napping in different locations around the island. Players can interact with them by waking them up, feeding them, or engaging in conversation. They enjoy receiving gifts like fruit and household items.


The Highland bull is a very curious and friendly species. They enjoy exploring the island and interacting with players. Players can give them gifts like flowers, furniture, and clothing, which they will happily wear and display in their home. The Highland also enjoys playing games like hide-and-seek.

Spanish Fighting

The Spanish Fighting bull can be a little harder to tame than the other species. They have a confident and sometimes stubborn personality. However, they can become loyal friends with players who regularly interact with them. They enjoy receiving gifts like snacks and clothing items.


The Longhorn bull is the most calm and easygoing of all the species. They enjoy grazing and relaxing on the island. Players can interact with them by giving them gifts like flowers and fruits. They also enjoy participating in island activities like fishing and bug-catching.


In conclusion, each bull species in Animal Crossing: New Horizons has unique physical and personality traits that make them interesting to interact with. Whether it's the grumpy but friendly Angus, the curious and adorable Highland, the bold and confident Spanish Fighting, or the relaxed and content Longhorn, there is a bull species for everyone to enjoy on their island paradise.

Bull Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Tips and Tricks


Bull is a popular character in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This short guide will provide you with some tips and tricks to help you make the most out of your time with Bull.


Bull is a lazy male character in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. As a lazy villager, he enjoys sleeping and eating most of all and is not very good at keeping up with work and housekeeping tasks.

Talking to Bull

Talking to Bull is one way to build a relationship with him. He enjoys having conversations about food, resting, and relaxing. When talking to him, it is important to pay attention to his mood and attitude towards the conversation. He might become annoyed or frustrated if you talk too much about things he is not interested in.

Gifting items to Bull

Bull, being a foodie, would appreciate receiving gifts related to food or cooking. Some examples of items you could gift him include turnips, fish, and kitchen appliances. You could also consider giving him furniture items that are related to relaxation and comfort, such as a massage chair.

Playing games with Bull

Bull is not a fan of overly competitive games. Instead, he prefers casual games like fishing or bug catching. These activities give him a chance to kick back and relax, so feel free to invite him to join in on these activities.

Attending Bull's birthday party

Bull's birthday is on March 24th, so be sure to attend his party! Make sure you bring a wrapped gift and consider wrapping it in blue paper, as this is his favorite color. You could also bake him a cake or bring him a hearty meal to celebrate.

Building a friendship with Bull

To build a strong friendship with Bull, it is important to be patient and consistent. Talk to him every day, give him gifts, and participate in activities with him to show that you care about him. Over time, this will help build a strong bond between you and him.


In conclusion, Bull is a fantastic character in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. With these tips and tricks, you are sure to make the most out of your time with him. Remember to be patient and consistent, and you will be rewarded with a great friendship.

The Fascinating Bull Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villager

Are you excited about the new Bull Animal Crossing: New Horizons villager? If you're a fan of this popular videogame, then you'll be pleased to know that there's a new player in town.

Bull is a new character who brings a lot of excitement and creativity to the game. This powerful animal has always been known for its strength and determination, and it’s no different in the world of Animal Crossing. While being strong and intimidating, Bulls are surprisingly friendly and helpful to their fellow villagers. We invite you to discover more about this unique villager that will make your gameplay more enjoyable!

Bull’s Profile on Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Bull, like any other new addition to the game, comes with its own set of traits that make it unique. He has black fur, which makes him look mysterious yet bold at the same time. Bull has big, round eyes that add to his charming personality. He wears a jacket and pants that are easy to spot in a crowd. His enthusiasm and positive attitude make him a fantastic addition to the world of Animal Crossing.

Unlike other village residents, Bull is calm, reserved, and incredibly strong. Though he might seem unapproachable, once he opens up to you, he becomes a great friend. Bull likes to maintain his space while socializing, so he can often be found walking or pacing around his living quarters. You'll have to earn his trust through completing his tasks and chatting with him regularly.

How to Welcome Bull Animal Crossing to Your Village

Bull can be acquired through a number of ways, including relocations from other player’s islands or camping areas. Once Bull has arrived at your island, you need to make proper arrangements for him to settle in. You can set up a new home for him, create a place for him to rest, and prepare food and water for him. Offering thoughtful gestures like these will ensure that Bull feels welcome and appreciated on your island.

What Activities Should You Do with Bull?

Bull loves to play games, so you can challenge him to a game of hide and seek or tag. He'll also love new outfits and presents, so make sure to visit the stores and pick up some items you think he’d like. You can also visit his home and admire his wall decor and furniture which reflects his unique personality and interests. Don’t forget to chat with him regularly and do favors for him, as it will help strengthen your friendship!

Bull’s Personality and Loyalty

As mentioned earlier, Bull is calm, reserved, and strong. He can maintain his composure even under pressure. People who know him well say that this bull animal neighbor always has your back when you need him most. When he becomes good friends with other inhabitants of your island, expect nothing less than a loyal friend who would do anything to help out at any time.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, having Bull Animal Crossing: New Horizons on your island brings a fantastic guest ready to make new memories and experience novel activities. With his charming personality and unique character traits, he is indeed a worthy addition. He might seem tough at first sight, but once you get to know him better, you'll understand just why people love having him as a friend.

So what are you waiting for? Bring Bull to your island and start exploring limitless possibilities!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it helped you understand the new addition to the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game and gave you some ideas on how to make Bull feel welcome on your island. Have a great gameplay time with this new villager!

People Also Ask about Bull Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Who is Bull in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Bull is a lazy bull villager who first appeared in Animal Crossing: City Folk. He is known for his relaxed and laid-back personality, spending most of his time lounging around and napping.

How can I get Bull to move to my island?

There are two ways you can get Bull to move to your island: random chance or using amiibo. Villagers will randomly appear on Mystery Island Tours or through campsite visits. If you want to guarantee Bull's arrival, you can use a Bull amiibo card or figurine to invite him to your island.

What are Bull's hobbies and interests?

Bull has two main interests: music and food. He enjoys collecting and listening to K.K. Slider albums, and also loves talking about his favorite meals. As a lazy villager, he also enjoys relaxing and taking it easy.

Do villagers have different personalities in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Yes, there are eight different personality types for villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. These include jock, lazy, smug, cranky, snooty, peppy, normal, and sisterly. Each personality type has unique dialogue and behaviors.

Can I give Bull gifts in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Yes, you can give gifts to any villager in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, including Bull. However, each villager has their own preferences and dislikes when it comes to gifts. It's best to pay attention to their dialogue and see what they enjoy before giving them presents.

How can I increase my friendship level with Bull?

To increase your friendship level with Bull, you can interact with him regularly, give him gifts he likes, and complete his requests. You can also send him letters or participate in activities with him, such as fishing or bug catching.

Can Bull move out of my island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Yes, villagers can decide to move out of your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. However, this is usually a random process and you cannot control when a villager decides to leave. If you want to make sure that a specific villager stays on your island, you can interact with them frequently and give them gifts they like.

What are some other bull villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Some other bull villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons include Angus, Coach, Rodeo, and Stu. Each of these villagers has their own unique personality and interests, but they all share the same bull species.

  • Bull is a lazy bull villager who loves music and food.
  • You can get Bull to move to your island through random chance or using amiibo.
  • Villagers have different personalities in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
  • You can give gifts to any villager, including Bull, but it's best to pay attention to their preferences.
  • To increase your friendship with Bull, interact with him regularly, give him gifts he likes, and complete his requests.
  • Bull can move out of your island, but you can try to keep him by interacting with him frequently and giving him gifts he likes.
  • Other bull villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons include Angus, Coach, Rodeo, and Stu.