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Survive and Thrive: How to Get Animal Fat in 7 Days to Die - A Beginner's Guide

Survive and Thrive: How to Get Animal Fat in 7 Days to Die - A Beginner's Guide

Are you a fan of the game 7 Days To Die? Do you find yourself struggling to get animal fat in the game?

Well, you're not alone. Many players have found it difficult to collect enough animal fat for their survival needs.

But fear not, because we're here to share some tips and tricks on how to get animal fat in 7 Days To Die.

First off, did you know that animal fat can be obtained from hunting animals such as deer, boars, rabbits, and coyotes?

So if you want to stock up on animal fat, grab your bow and arrows or your firearm and head out into the wilderness.

One thing to keep in mind is that different animals provide varying amounts of animal fat. For instance, deer provide more animal fat compared to rabbits.

Another way to obtain animal fat is by looting animal carcasses. You'll often find animal fat on dead animals in the game.

But beware, looting animal carcasses can attract zombies, so make sure you're not in an area with many zombies.

If you're feeling crafty, you can also create animal fat by cooking animal meat in a campfire or a cooking pot.

Not only will this give you animal fat, but you'll also get cooked meat which can be used to replenish your hunger bar.

And if you have access to a chemistry station, you can also convert bone into glue which can then be used to make duct tape.

Duct tape may not seem related to animal fat, but it requires animal fat to make.

By now, you should have a good idea of how to get animal fat in 7 Days To Die.

Remember, animal fat is an important item in the game as it's used for crafting torches, candles, and other useful items.

So go out there, hunt some animals, loot some carcasses, and cook some meat. And don't forget to use your newfound animal fat to your advantage.

With these tips and tricks, you'll be a pro at getting animal fat in no time. Happy hunting!

7 Days To Die Animal Fat
"7 Days To Die Animal Fat" ~ bbaz

7 Days to Die is a popular open-world survival game that features crafting, looting, and scavenging. Players are required to gather resources such as food, water, and shelter if they wish to survive the harsh environment of the post-apocalyptic world. One of the most important resources in 7 Days to Die is animal fat.

What is Animal Fat?

Animal fat is a crucial resource in 7 Days to Die because it's used to create torches, candles, and fuel for generators. It's also used in the production of gunpowder and glue. In-game, animal fat is sourced from various animals such as deer, rabbits, pigs, and chickens. Different types of animals yield different amounts of fat. For instance, deer have more fat than rabbits, while pigs and chickens have a moderate amount of fat.

How to Acquire Animal Fat

To acquire animal fat in 7 Days to Die, players need to hunt animals and kill them. Once an animal is dead, players can harvest it for different resources such as meat, bones, hide, and of course, fat. The best weapon to use when hunting animals in 7 Days to Die depends on the animal type as well as the player's skill and preference. For example, the easiest way to kill rabbits is by using a bow and arrow, while deer require a more powerful weapon like a rifle.

The Role of Cooking Skill in Harvesting More Animal Fat

Cooking skill plays a vital role in harvesting animal fat in 7 Days to Die. At higher cooking skills, players are able to harvest more animal fat from the same animal compared with those with lower cooking skills. This means that players who prioritize cooking skill can maximize their animal fat output each time they hunt.

How to Process Animal Fat

After harvesting animal fat, players need to process it before using it. The processing involves melting down the fat into tallow, which can then be used to craft candles, torches, glue, and gunpowder. To melt down the fat, players require a campfire or a cooking pot. Players add the harvested animal fat to the fire or pot and wait for it to melt into tallow.

How to Increase Tallow Yield

To maximize their tallow yield, players should cook in large quantities. This means that players should hunt several animals at a go and harvest all the fat before melting them down. Cooking in large quantities reduces energy wastage as it requires fewer fires or pots compared to cooking small amounts of fat separately.

Storage Tips for Animal Fat

Animal fat doesn't spoil like other food types in 7 Days to Die. However, it's constantly affected by temperature changes. To store animal fat, players should keep it in cool and dark areas away from heat sources such as campfires or torches. Players can store their animal fat in storage containers such as chests, fridges, or shelves.

When to Use Animal Fat

Players can use animal fat in different ways in 7 Days to Die. For instance, players can use it to create candles and torches to provide lighting in their bases. Players can also use animal fat as fuel for their generators to power base defenses. Additionally, animal fat is a vital ingredient for crafting gunpowder, glue, and other items that players can use to fend off zombies and hostile players.


Animal fat is an important resource in 7 Days to Die, and players need to prioritize its harvesting and processing if they wish to survive. By following the tips highlighted above, players can harvest and process animal fat efficiently and store it safely in preparation for future use. Good luck scavenging and surviving in the harsh post-apocalyptic world of 7 Days to Die!

7 Days To Die Animal Fat: Comparison Analysis


7 Days To Die is a popular survival game that requires players to gather resources and fend off hordes of zombies. One of the most important resources in the game is animal fat, which is necessary for crafting several crucial items. In this article, we will compare the various sources of animal fat in the game and help you decide which ones are the most efficient and reliable.

Types of Animals

There are several types of animals in 7 Days To Die that can provide animal fat, including deer, bear, pigs, and dogs. Each type of animal has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to supplying animal fat.


Deer are one of the most common sources of animal fat in the game. They are relatively easy to hunt and yield a decent amount of fat per kill. However, they also have low health and can be difficult to track down.


Bears are another source of animal fat, but they are much more difficult to take down than deer. They have high health and deal a lot of damage, making them a dangerous adversary. However, they also yield a significant amount of fat per kill and are a good source of food.


Pigs are a bit easier to hunt than bears and are another good source of animal fat. They have low health and yield a moderate amount of fat per kill. However, they are also a common source of food, so killing them may not always be the best option.


Dogs are the least desirable source of animal fat in the game. They have low health and yield very little fat per kill. Additionally, they are more difficult to find than other animals and may not always be worth the effort.

Other Sources of Animal Fat

In addition to hunting animals, there are a few other ways to obtain animal fat in 7 Days To Die.

Zombie Animals

Occasionally, players may come across zombie versions of animals such as deer or pigs. These creatures yield a significant amount of animal fat and are relatively easy to kill, but they also pose a greater threat than their living counterparts.

Rendered Animal Fat

Rendered animal fat can be obtained by cooking raw meat or hunting animals and using a cooking pot to turn their fat into rendered animal fat. This is a good option for players who are unable to find live animals to hunt.

Comparison Table

Animal Type Health Amount of Fat Difficulty to Hunt Overall Rating
Deer Low Moderate Easy Good
Bear High High Difficult Great
Pigs Low Moderate Easy Good
Dogs Low Low Difficult Poor
Zombie Animals High High Easy Great
Rendered Animal Fat N/A Moderate Easy Good


Based on our analysis, it is clear that the best sources of animal fat in 7 Days To Die are bears and zombie animals. While they may be more difficult to hunt than other animals, they yield a greater amount of fat per kill and are therefore more efficient. Rendered animal fat is also a viable option for players who are unable to find live animals to hunt. Overall, animal fat is a crucial resource in the game and should be obtained through whichever means are most convenient and effective for the player.

7 Days To Die: Tips for Finding and Using Animal Fat


In 7 Days to Die, animal fat is a valuable resource that you can use for crafting torches, fueling campfires, and making explosives. However, it can be challenging to find enough animal fat to support all your needs, especially when starting the game. But with a few helpful tips and tricks, you can quickly gather the amount of animal fat you need to survive and thrive in the game.

1. Look for Animals with Higher Fat Content

When you're hunting for animal fat, remember that certain animals have higher fat content than others. For example, pigs, bears, and direwolves tend to have more animal fat than rabbits or chickens. So, if you're looking for a quick source of animal fat, focus on hunting the animals that have the highest content.

2. Use Stealthy Approaches

While it's tempting to rush into combat with an animal to take it down, remember that stealth approaches can be just as effective. Stealth approaches allow you to get closer to an animal before they notice you, increasing the chances of landing a successful blow. When you attack an animal with a melee weapon from behind, you'll deal more damage, which may lead to a quicker death and more items, including animal fat.

3. Scavenging for Animal Fat

One way to save yourself the trouble of killing animals is by scavenging. Look around for dead animals or animal nests. Dead animals often drop animal fat along with other useful resources such as meat and hide. Nests, on the other hand, contain eggs, which when cooked, can be used as a source of animal fat.

4. Butchering Techniques

When you finally take down an animal, careful butchering of its body is essential. Butchering techniques not only impact the quality of meat received but also the amount of animal fat. To get higher amounts of animal fat, choose a blunt weapon like a sledgehammer or pickaxe to tenderize the animal's body before butchering.

5. Cooking for Animal Fat

Cooking can also be an excellent source of extra animal fat. Animal fat can easily be rendered from meat when it's cooking on a campfire. All you need to do is keep stirring the meat frequently to allow the fat to come out. Keep an empty jar or can next to the campfire and transfer the rendered fat as it starts to collect in the jar or can. You can also cook eggs in the same manner and render the fat that oozes out of them.

6. Crafting Recipes that use Animal Fat

In addition to the above methods of getting animal fat, crafting recipes that require animal fat are also perfect sources of this precious resource. Explosives, torches, and fuel material all require animal fat, so make sure to have some on hand if you're looking to craft any of these materials.

7. Keeping an Eye Out for Deliveries

Last but not least, you can get lucky with random deliveries that drop off crates of animal fat. When looting areas like cities or towns, keep an eye out for boxes marked with the delivery sign. These boxes may contain an array of items, including food, water, weapons, and other resources, like animal fat!


In conclusion, animal fat is an essential resource in 7 Days to Die. With these tips, you should be able to gather enough of it to survive, thrive, and take on the apocalypse! Remember to use stealth approaches, look for higher fat content animal targets, or scavenge for dead animals and nests. Further to this, invest in the right butchering techniques, render fat by cooking meat and eggs over a campfire, craft items that use animal fat and keep an eye out for random deliveries of this valuable resource. By following these tips, you should have no trouble acquiring the animal fat you need to survive.

7 Days To Die Animal Fat: Everything You Need To Know

Are you playing the survival game, 7 Days to Die? Do you want to know how important animal fat is in the game? In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about animal fat.

Animal fat is a valuable resource in 7 Days to Die. It has many uses, and it is essential for your survival. In this game, you must scavenge for resources to survive. This includes hunting animals for food and materials. When you kill an animal, you can harvest its meat and bones, but you can also obtain animal fat.

Animal fat can be used in various crafting recipes. For example, you can use it to make torches, which are essential for lighting up dark areas. Torches are also useful in scaring away zombies, so they are a vital tool for your survival. Additionally, animal fat is used to make candles, which can be used to light up your base at night.

Another use of animal fat is in the production of fuel. Animal fat can be combined with wood to create a variety of fuels, such as gasoline and biofuel. These fuels are necessary for powering generators and vehicles, which will help you travel faster and collect more resources.

If you want to obtain animal fat, you need to hunt animals. Some animals, such as pigs and bears, yield more fat than others, so it's worth focusing on them. It's also worth noting that certain perks and skills can help you obtain more resources when you harvest animals. For example, the Master Chef perk gives you more meat and animal fat when you harvest animals.

When you obtain animal fat, you should store it in a secure location. Animal fat is one of the most valuable resources in the game, and you don't want to lose it. You can store animal fat in a variety of containers, such as chests and lockers. It's also worth noting that animal fat will spoil over time, so make sure to use it before it goes bad.

If you have excess animal fat, you can sell it to traders for valuable resources. Traders are scattered throughout the game world, and they will often buy resources from you in exchange for other resources or currency. Selling animal fat to traders can be a good way to obtain resources that you need, such as ammunition and medical supplies.

Animal fat is also used in the production of bandages. When you are injured in the game, you will need to heal yourself quickly. Bandages are a quick and easy way to restore your health. You can craft bandages using animal fat and cloth, which can be obtained from looting buildings or harvesting cotton plants.

Overall, animal fat is a valuable resource in 7 Days to Die. It has many uses, and it is essential for your survival. Make sure to hunt animals to obtain fat, and keep it stored in a secure location. If you have excess fat, consider selling it to traders for valuable resources. With this knowledge, you will be able to survive in the game for longer and thrive in a world filled with zombies and other dangerous creatures.

Thank you for reading our article about 7 Days to Die Animal Fat. We hope you found this information useful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Good luck in your survival journey!

People Also Ask About 7 Days To Die Animal Fat

What is animal fat in 7 Days To Die?

In 7 Days To Die, animal fat is a crafting material obtained by killing animals such as pigs, cows, and deer. It can be used to create fuel, torches, and explosives.

How do you get animal fat in 7 Days To Die?

There are several ways to obtain animal fat in 7 Days To Die:

  1. Kill animals with a weapon or a tool such as a hunting knife or a bone shiv.
  2. Search for animal carcasses in the wilderness.
  3. Loot animal fat from zombies that drop it upon death.

What can you do with animal fat in 7 Days To Die?

Animal fat has several uses in 7 Days To Die:

  • It can be used as fuel for campfires, barbeques, and forges.
  • It can be used to craft torches, which provide light during the night and in dark places.
  • It can be used to create molotov cocktails and pipe bombs, which are explosive weapons that deal damage to zombies and structures.

How much animal fat can you get from an animal in 7 Days To Die?

The amount of animal fat you can get from an animal in 7 Days To Die depends on the type of animal and your scavenging level.

  • A pig typically yields 1-3 animal fat.
  • A cow typically yields 2-4 animal fat.
  • A deer typically yields 1-3 animal fat.
  • Your scavenging level can increase the amount of animal fat you obtain from animals.

Can you cook animal fat in 7 Days To Die?

No, animal fat cannot be cooked in 7 Days To Die. However, it can be used as fuel for cooking in a campfire or a barbeque.

How long does animal fat last in 7 Days To Die?

Animal fat does not expire in 7 Days To Die. You can store it indefinitely in your inventory or in a storage container.