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Meet Claire Ives: A passionate advocate for animal welfare and Best Friends Animal Society ambassador

Meet Claire Ives: A passionate advocate for animal welfare and Best Friends Animal Society ambassador

Claire Ives is a woman who has dedicated her life to animals. Her mission is to create a world where every animal has a loving home and a chance at a happy life.

As the co-founder of Best Friends Animal Society, Claire has spent over 30 years rescuing and rehabilitating animals from all walks of life.

But what exactly is Best Friends Animal Society? And why is it so important?

Best Friends Animal Society is the largest no-kill sanctuary in the United States. They work tirelessly to save animals from euthanasia and provide them with the care and attention they need.

In fact, since its inception in 1984, Best Friends has helped to reduce the number of animals killed in shelters from 17 million to just under 2 million.

That's a statistic that should make every animal lover sit up and take notice.

But it's not just about rescuing animals. Best Friends also provides education and resources to help people become better pet owners and advocates for animal welfare.

They offer programs like Kids Who Care, which allows children to get involved in animal rescue and learn valuable skills like empathy and responsibility.

With so many animals in need, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. But that's where Best Friends comes in.

They have a network of more than 3,000 animal welfare groups and shelters, all working together to save as many animals as possible.

So if you're looking for a way to make a difference in the lives of animals, consider supporting Best Friends Animal Society.

Whether it's through volunteering, donating, or spreading the word, every little bit helps.

And who knows? You might just end up finding your new best friend in the process.

As Claire Ives says, Our goal is to create a world where there are no more homeless pets.

Are you on board?

If so, head over to the Best Friends Animal Society website to learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference.

Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society
"Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society" ~ bbaz


Best Friends Animal Society is a non-profit organization that works towards making life better for animals. Claire Ives, an animal lover and advocate, has been actively associated with Best Friends for years. She has volunteered her time, energy and resources towards this cause. In this article, we will take a look at Claire Ives' association with the Best Friends Animal Society and how she has helped the organization achieve its goals.

The Founding of Best Friends Animal Society

The Best Friends Animal Society was founded in the 1980s by a group of animal lovers who were concerned about the treatment and welfare of animals. The organization started as a sanctuary for animals that were abandoned or neglected. Over the years, it grew to become one of the largest no-kill shelters in America. Best Friends strives to end the killing of dogs and cats in American shelters by promoting adoption, spaying and neutering programs, and community education.

How Claire Ives Got Involved

Claire Ives has always had a love for animals, and when she heard about Best Friends Animal Society, she knew that she wanted to be a part of it. She started volunteering at the local shelter in her community, which was affiliated with Best Friends. She loved working with the animals and found great satisfaction in seeing them find new homes.

Claire's Role at Best Friends

Claire soon became more involved with Best Friends and began to take on a leadership role in the organization. She worked to promote the organization's mission and to raise funds for the shelter. She also helped to organize adoption events and fundraisers. Her dedication to the cause was evident in everything she did.

The Impact of Claire's Work

Claire's hard work and dedication have had a significant impact on the success of Best Friends Animal Society. The organization has been able to save the lives of countless animals because of her efforts. She has helped to raise awareness about the importance of spaying and neutering pets, which has led to a decrease in the number of animals that end up in shelters.

The Challenges Faced by Best Friends

One of the biggest challenges faced by Best Friends Animal Society is the lack of resources. They rely heavily on volunteers and donations to keep their programs running. Claire's work has helped to increase the organization's visibility and fundraising efforts, which has allowed them to expand their programs and help more animals.

The Importance of Adoption

One of the main goals of Best Friends Animal Society is to promote adoption. Adopting a pet from a shelter not only saves a life, but it also provides a loving home for an animal in need. Claire has worked tirelessly to promote adoption events and to encourage people to consider adopting rather than buying from a pet store or breeder.

The Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

Another important aspect of Best Friends' mission is spaying and neutering. This helps to control the population of stray dogs and cats and reduces the number of animals that end up in shelters. Claire has worked hard to educate people about the benefits of spaying and neutering and to provide resources to those who cannot afford the procedure.


Claire Ives' contribution to Best Friends Animal Society has been invaluable. Her dedication and hard work have helped to make a difference in the lives of countless animals. Her work has helped to raise awareness about the importance of adoption and spaying and neutering, which has led to a decrease in the number of animals that end up in shelters. Best Friends Animal Society is fortunate to have advocates like Claire Ives who share their passion for animal welfare.

Best Friends Animal Society vs Claire Ives: A Comparison

Claire Ives: The Woman Behind Best Friends Animal Society

Claire Ives is a well-known animal advocate and the founder of Best Friends Animal Society. This nonprofit organization was founded back in 1984 and it is devoted to rescuing animals from kill shelters and providing sanctuary for them until they can find their forever homes.

Ives started this organization after seeing the harsh treatment that animals received in shelters. She knew that there needed to be a better way to help these innocent creatures, and that is how Best Friends Animal Society came into being.

Best Friends Animal Society: The Organization

Best Friends Animal Society is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping animals who are in need. Their mission is simple: to save the lives of animals who are facing euthanasia in shelters across the country.

This organization has grown over the years, and it now includes more than 1700 animals at their sanctuary in Utah. They also work with other rescue groups across the country to help save as many animals as possible.

Comparing the Goals

Both Claire Ives and Best Friends Animal Society share a common goal: to save as many animals as possible. They also aim to provide these animals with the care they need until they can find their forever homes.

Their efforts have been commendable. Thanks to Claire Ives and Best Friends Animal Society, countless animals have been saved from euthanasia in shelters, and they have been given a second chance at life.

Comparing the Reach

Claire Ives and Best Friends Animal Society have both made an impact on animal welfare across the country. Their reach extends far beyond the borders of the State of Utah where their headquarters are located.

Nowadays, Best Friends Animal Society collaborates with more than 2,800 animal welfare organizations in every state, providing information, resources and funding as well as promoting adoption and spay/neuter programs to help reduce the number of animals entering shelters.

Comparing the Strategies

The strategies used by Claire Ives and the Best Friends Animal Society are identical in one aspect. They rely heavily on donations to fund their animal rescue efforts.

Claire Ives has always been passionate about animal welfare and this passion has resonated with many like-minded individuals across the country. Many of them have donated generously to her cause, which has made it possible for the Best Friends Animal Society to grow as much as it has.

Comparing the Successes

With the combined efforts of Claire Ives and the Best Friends Animal Society, thousands of animals have been saved from euthanasia in shelters.

Best Friends Animal Society is now one of the largest no-kill animal organizations in the country. They also have numerous successful adoption programs that have helped countless animals find their forever homes.

Comparing the Challenges

Claire Ives and the Best Friends Animal Society have had to overcome a lot of challenges in their work for animal welfare. One major challenge they face is the lack of resources necessary to fully support their rescue efforts.

This is why they rely heavily on donations and volunteers to help keep their organization running. By advocating for animal welfare and encouraging people to adopt, they strive to reach their goals and make a positive difference in the lives of animals.

Opinion: Why They Make a Difference

Claire Ives and Best Friends Animal Society have made a significant impact on animal welfare not only in the United States but globally. Their relentless efforts to ensure that animals are saved from euthanasia and provided with a loving home emphasize the importance of kindness and empathy towards animals.

It is through their consistent and dedicated work in animal advocacy that they stand out among other organizations of their kind.

Conclusion: Their Work Continues

Their selflessness, determination, and passion for providing better conditions for animals inspire many around the world. While there is still much work to be done, Claire Ives and the Best Friends Animal Society's achievements serve as an example of the great impact that can be made when individuals unite for a cause greater than themselves.

Keywords Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society
Save animals from euthanasia
Provide sanctuary for animals
Collaborate with other rescue groups
Largest no-kill animal organization

Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society: A Guide to Volunteering and Helping Animals

The Importance of Animal Welfare

Animal welfare is one of the most crucial issues that our society faces today. Millions of animals are mistreated, neglected, and abandoned every year, and without proper care, their lives fall into disarray. Fortunately, there are many organizations dedicated to promoting animal welfare and helping those who are in need. One such organization is Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society.

What is Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society?

Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society is a non-profit organization that helps stray, abandoned, and abused animals find loving homes. They work tirelessly to provide shelter, food, medical care, and love to animals in need. The organization has been around since 1984 and has helped thousands of animals over the years.

How You Can Help

If you're passionate about helping animals, there are several ways you can get involved with Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society. Here are some ideas:

Volunteer Your Time

One of the best ways to help is by volunteering your time at the organization's shelters. You can assist with feeding, cleaning, walking the dogs, playing with the cats, and more. By volunteering, you'll get to see firsthand the difference you can make in an animal's life.

Adopt a Pet

If you're looking for a new furry friend, consider adopting from Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society. All of the animals are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on their vaccinations, and have been given a thorough medical exam. Plus, when you adopt from this organization, you're helping to support their mission.

Donate Money

Like most non-profits, Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society relies heavily on donations to keep their operations running. You can donate money online or in-person at one of their shelters.

Attend Fundraising Events

Another way to support the organization is by attending their fundraising events. They host several events throughout the year, including an annual gala and a Paws N' Claws charity walk.

The Benefits of Volunteering with Animals

Not only does volunteering with Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society help animals in need, but it also benefits you in several ways. Here are just a few of them:

Improved Mental Health

Spending time with animals has been shown to improve mental health. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while increasing feelings of happiness and well-being.

Opportunities to Meet New People

Volunteering with the organization gives you the opportunity to meet like-minded people who share your passion for animal welfare. This can lead to new friendships and social connections.

Skills Development

Volunteering can also help you develop new skills or further hone existing ones. For example, if you're interested in photography, you can help take pictures of the animals up for adoption to showcase on the organization's website or social media accounts.

A Sense of Fulfillment

Perhaps the most rewarding benefit of volunteering is the sense of fulfillment that comes with making a positive difference in the world. By helping animals in need, you're contributing to a cause that's larger than yourself.


In conclusion, Claire Ives Best Friends Animal Society is a wonderful organization that promotes animal welfare and helps thousands of animals each year. If you're interested in supporting their mission, consider volunteering your time, adopting a pet, donating money, attending fundraising events, or all of the above. And remember, by helping animals in need, you're making a positive impact on the world.

The Life and Work of Claire Ives at Best Friends Animal Society

Claire Ives is a name that rings with high regard in the animal welfare community, especially at the Best Friends Animal Society. Her contributions to the organization have helped the group improve its efforts in rescuing animals and providing for their welfare.

Claire’s start with the Best Friends Animal Society dates back to her childhood. She was born and raised in Kanab, Utah, a small town in the vicinity of the society’s home base. The society has been active in the region since the 1980s, providing sanctuary for abused and neglected animals. Claire’s love for animals began there, and she has continued to hold onto it ever since.

When Claire turned 18, she made a decision to commit her time and energy to work for the Best Friends Animal Society full-time. She started as a volunteer before eventually working her way up to becoming an employee. Her dedication to the organization has seen her take up several key positions over the years, including director of the animal care department.

The animal care department at Best Friends Animal Society is one of the most critical components of the organization’s work. It is responsible for providing day-to-day care for the thousands of animals under the society’s watch, including domestic pets like cats and dogs, as well as livestock, horses, and wildlife.

One thing that sets Claire apart from other animal advocates is her hands-on approach to animal care. At the Best Friends Animal Society, she has overseen several critical animal rescue missions where she has worked alongside other members to save animals from abusive situations.

Claire spends most of her time at Best Friends Animal Society running the department’s day-to-day operations. Her duties include monitoring the health of animals and coordinating with veterinarians to administer medical care where necessary. She also oversees staff and volunteers at the department to ensure that all animals are receiving the best possible care.

While Claire's work at the Best Friends Animal Society is centered around animal care, she also has a passion for animal advocacy beyond what the society does. She is an active member of several animal welfare organizations in Utah and across the country. As an advocate, she campaigns for better legal protection for animals and raises awareness on different topics related to animal welfare issues.

Over the years, Claire’s work has seen her garner recognition and awards from different organizations. In 2017, she received an award from the City of Los Angeles in recognition of her work in rescuing animals affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Claire’s work at the Best Friends Animal Society speaks to the tremendous potential that individuals like her have in shaping our society's consciousness about animal welfare. The dedication and commitment she has shown in caring for thousands of animals demonstrate that it is possible to create a world where animals' rights are protected and upheld.

In closing, visitors to the Best Friends Animal Society will find in Claire Ives, not just a symbol of compassion for animals but also someone who continues to inspire people to take up animal causes closer to their hearts. Through her work at the society and beyond, we can learn to appreciate the value of animals in our lives and strive to make the world a better place for them.

People Also Ask About Claire Ives and Best Friends Animal Society

Who is Claire Ives?

Claire Ives is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Best Friends Animal Society - a national animal welfare organization dedicated to ending the killing of dogs and cats in America's shelters.

What is Best Friends Animal Society?

Best Friends Animal Society is an American non-profit animal welfare organization that aims to end the killing of dogs and cats in America's animal shelters. They work to promote and advance the no-kill movement and help save lives through their various programs, initiatives, and campaigns.

What does Best Friends Animal Society do?

Best Friends Animal Society works to save the lives of dogs and cats by:

  • Partnering with animal shelters and rescue groups to increase adoptions and save more animals
  • Providing resources and support to communities and individuals to help animals in need
  • Advocating for policies and legislation that benefit animals and promote the no-kill movement
  • Operating their own animal sanctuary in Utah that provides a safe haven for abused, neglected, and abandoned animals

How can I get involved with Best Friends Animal Society?

You can get involved with Best Friends Animal Society in several ways, such as:

  1. Adopting a pet from one of their many partner shelters and rescue groups
  2. Becoming a member and making donations to support their programs and initiatives
  3. Volunteering at one of their many locations across the country or virtually
  4. Participating in their advocacy campaigns and contacting your elected officials to speak up for animals

Where is Best Friends Animal Society located?

Best Friends Animal Society has locations throughout the United States, including:

  • Their animal sanctuary in Kanab, Utah
  • Their adoption center in Los Angeles, California
  • Many partner shelters and rescue groups across the country