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Animal Breeders Salary: Understanding How Much They Earn in Different Industries

Animal Breeders Salary: Understanding How Much They Earn in Different Industries

How Much Do Animal Breeders Make

Are you interested in becoming an animal breeder but curious about how much money you could potentially earn? Look no further, because we’ve got the answers for you!

Before diving into the numbers, it’s important to note that animal breeding can cover a wide range of species and specialties, from dogs and cats to cows and horses. Therefore, salaries can vary greatly based on these factors. However, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for animal breeders as of May 2020 was $24,930.

While this may not seem like a substantial amount, keep in mind that there are several factors that affect an animal breeder’s salary beyond just their base pay. These can include bonuses, overtime pay, and commission earnings.

Furthermore, experience and expertise in certain breeds can lead to higher salaries as well. For example, a breeder who specializes in rare dog breeds may have a higher earning potential compared to someone who only breeds common breeds like Labrador Retrievers or German Shepherds.

Another important factor to consider is location. The demand for certain breeds varies depending on geographical location, which can ultimately affect how much breeders can charge and earn. For instance, someone breeding horses in Kentucky may earn more than someone doing the same in Oklahoma simply due to the location’s reputation as a horse racing hub.

Aside from financial incentives, animal breeding can also be a fulfilling career for those passionate about animals. The ability to create and maintain healthy, high-quality breeding lines can be incredibly rewarding, both financially and personally.

In conclusion, animal breeders have the potential to earn a decent salary depending on several factors such as specialty, location, experience, and business practices. While the median annual wage may not be breaking the bank, there are opportunities to earn more. Plus, the satisfaction of contributing to the betterment of animal populations can make the job highly fulfilling.

So, for those considering a career in animal breeding, do your research, find your niche, and go make some furry (or feathery, or scaly) friends.

How Much Do Animal Breeders Make
"How Much Do Animal Breeders Make" ~ bbaz


Animal breeding is an in-demand industry that involves the selective breeding of animals to produce offspring that possess desirable traits that meet specific criteria. Animal breeders are responsible for raising healthy and productive animals while managing their breeding programs to ensure the success of their business. They must also be knowledgeable about animal reproduction, genetics, and welfare to make informed decisions about breeding selections.

The Types of Animal Breeders

There are many types of animal breeders, including those who work in livestock production, animal racing, pet breeding, and zoos. Each specialty requires unique knowledge and skills to succeed. Livestock breeders focus on producing animals that yield high-quality meat and dairy products. Animal racing breeders aim to produce champions with superior speed or endurance for racing events. Pet breeders produce pets for companionship and may specialize in specific breeds or crossbreeds. Zoos breed animals for various purposes such as educational exhibits, conservation, or research.

The Income of Animal Breeders

The income of animal breeders varies depending on their specialty, geographic location, education level, and experience. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for animal breeders was $35,910 in May 2020. The lowest 10 percent of animal breeders earned less than $21,990, while the highest 10 percent earned more than $64,690. The income of livestock breeders and animal racing breeders tends to be higher than that of pet breeders and zoo breeders.

The Factors that Affect Income

The income of animal breeders is affected by several factors such as demand, competition, pricing strategy, costs, advertising, and reputation. The demand for animal breeds can fluctuate based on consumer preferences, trends, and economic conditions. For instance, during economic recessions, people tend to spend less on non-essential items such as pets, which can reduce the income of pet breeders. Additionally, the competition in the animal breeding market can influence the pricing strategy of breeders. If there are many breeders offering similar animals, the price may decrease, causing breeders to earn less profit.

The Education and Experience of Animal Breeders

The education and experience of animal breeders can also affect their earning potential. Many animal breeders have a high school diploma or equivalent, but some employers prefer candidates with a bachelor's degree in animal science, agriculture, or a related field. A higher education level can increase the chances of getting a higher-paying job or starting a successful breeding business. Additionally, experienced animal breeders who have a proven track record of producing high-quality animals may attract more customers and earn a better reputation, which can lead to higher income.

The Job Outlook for Animal Breeders

The job outlook for animal breeders is mixed, depending on their specialty and location. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of animal breeders is projected to decline by 1 percent from 2019 to 2029. This decline is mainly due to increased automation in the livestock industry and reduced demand for pet breeding. However, animal racing breeders may continue to see growth due to the popularity of racing events. Furthermore, the demand for rare animal breeds and unique traits may provide opportunities for niche animal breeders.

The Pros and Cons of Animal Breeding

Like any industry, animal breeding has its pros and cons. On one hand, animal breeding can be a rewarding and profitable career that allows breeders to work with animals they love. It can also contribute to the genetic diversity and conservation of certain species and provide companionship to pet owners. On the other hand, animal breeding can be challenging and stressful, with long hours, high costs, and risks of animal health issues. It can also contribute to pet overpopulation and negative environmental impacts if not done responsibly.

The Future of Animal Breeding

The future of animal breeding will depend on various factors such as technology, consumer preferences, ethical concerns, and regulations. As technology advances, breeders may have more tools to produce animals with desired traits and reduce the risks of genetic disorders. Furthermore, consumers' demand for ethically produced and sustainable animal products may affect the types of animals that breeders select and how they manage their businesses. Finally, regulations related to animal welfare, health, and transportation may become stricter, which could challenge breeders' operations and require them to invest in compliance.


Animal breeding can be a lucrative and fulfilling career for those who are passionate about animals and possess the necessary knowledge and skills. However, the income of animal breeders varies depending on their specialty, location, education, and experience. Breeders must also be aware of the industry's challenges and opportunities and make informed decisions to ensure their success. Overall, animal breeding will continue to play a significant role in producing healthy and productive animals for various purposes.

How Much Do Animal Breeders Make: A Comprehensive Comparison


Animal breeding refers to the practice of selectively breeding animals with desirable traits for agricultural, research, or pet purposes. From poultry and horses to cows and dogs, animal breeders work tirelessly to produce top-quality animals with characteristics that meet the needs of different markets. But what do animal breeders make? In this article, we will provide a comprehensive comparison of animal breeders' salaries across various industries, discuss factors that influence their pay, and give our opinion on how aspiring breeders can maximize their earning potential.

Overview of Animal Breeder Salaries

The salary of an animal breeder varies depending on several factors such as experience, location, education, and the type of animal they breed. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual income for all animal breeders in the United States is around $37,000, with the lowest 10% earning less than $21,000, and the top 10% making more than $61,000.

Poultry Breeders

In the poultry industry, breeders typically focus on producing high-yielding, fast-maturing, and disease-resistant chicken, turkey, and other bird breeds. According to the BLS, the average salary for poultry breeders is about $37,000 per year. However, breeders who work for top producers can earn up to $70,000 annually.

Cattle Breeders

Cattle breeders focus on developing beef and dairy cattle with superior genetics and health for meat and milk production. According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary for a cattle breeder in the US is around $52,000 per year, with some earners making as much as $80,000 annually.

Horse Breeders

Horse breeders work to produce top-quality horses for racing, show, and recreational purposes. According to the BLS, the average annual salary of a horse breeder is around $42,000 in the US. However, specialized breeders can make significantly more, especially those who breed high-profile racehorses or championship-winning show horses.

Dog Breeders

Dog breeding is a highly specialized field that involves producing purebred dogs with specific traits and characteristics. The salary of dog breeders varies widely depending on their location, reputation, and specialty. According to SimplyHired, the average annual salary of a dog breeder in the US is around $53,000, with some earning as much as $100,000 annually.

Factors Influencing Animal Breeder Salaries

Several factors can influence the salaries of animal breeders. Two of the most significant are location and experience.


The salary an animal breeder earns can differ significantly based on where they live. Breeders who work in urban areas with a high cost of living tend to earn more than those in rural regions with lower living expenses. For instance, a cattle breeder in California would most likely earn more in salary than one in Montana.


The more experience an animal breeder has, the higher their salary tends to be. Experienced breeders have wider exposure to different breeding techniques, market demand, and animal husbandry practices. Additionally, experienced breeders often have an established reputation, making them more attractive to clients who are willing to pay top-dollar for their services.

How to Maximize Earning Potential in Animal Breeding?

For aspiring animal breeders who want to maximize their earning potential in this competitive industry, several strategies can help.

Invest in Education and Training

A solid educational foundation in animal science, genetics, and breeding techniques can help establish credibility and increase the chances of making higher earnings. Attending industry conferences and workshops can also expand networks and knowledge.

Choose a Specialty

Specialization can significantly enhance earning potential in animal breeding. Breeders who focus on specific breeds or markets can position themselves as experts in their niche, commanding higher fees for their services.

Establish a Reputation

Building a reputation takes time, but it is a vital part of establishing credibility in the animal breeding industry. Consistently producing top-quality animals and developing a loyal customer base can lead to increased recognition and demand for one's services.


In summary, animal breeders' salaries vary widely depending on factors such as location, experience, education, and specialty. While median salaries may not seem high compared to other professions, there is tremendous earning potential for skilled and experienced breeders who can produce top-quality animals that meet different industries' demands. Aspiring breeders who invest in education, choose a specialty, and build a sound reputation can significantly maximize their earning potential in this field.

How Much Do Animal Breeders Make? An Overview

Animal breeding is a lucrative career path for individuals who have a passion for animals and are interested in the genetics and bloodlines that determine their traits. While there are many factors that determine how much animal breeders make, such as the type of animal they specialize in and where they operate their business, there are several key considerations to keep in mind.

Understanding Animal Breeding

Animal breeders work towards creating and maintaining specific characteristics in their chosen animal species. Whether they breed horses, dogs, cats, cows or goats, they are invested in their lineages and gene pools. These skilled professionals use scientific methods along with their deep knowledge of the animal species to create offspring with desirable traits.Animal breeding typically involves a lot of planning and patience, and it takes lots of time and resources to get projects off the ground. Factors like genetic testing, artificial insemination and veterinary services also come into play when one decides to become an animal breeder.

Factors that Determine Animal Breeder Salaries

1. Type of Animal – The type of animal a breeder deals with is one of the biggest determinants of how much a breeder earns annually.2. Market Demand – Keeping an eye on market trends can be beneficial for breeders as the demand for certain breeds of livestock or pets may vary at different times of the year.3. Geolocation – Rural areas with farms and large tracts of land are more likely to have a higher demand for bred animals, which can lead to more revenue streams.4. Education and Skills – Educated animal breeders with certifications experience and skills may enjoy higher salaries.

What Are the Average Earnings for Animal Breeders?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for animal breeders as at 2020 was $44,010, which translates to an hourly salary of $21.17. The BLS further reveals that the lowest 10 percent of earners made around $28,490 while high-end earners brought in upward of $69,020.Considering various factors, we can breakdown animal breeder income and salaries by the type of animal and geographic location.

Horse Breeders

Horse breeding can be one of the most lucrative ventures in the animal breeding industry. Those working with racehorses can earn up to six figures annually. However, it is important to keep in mind the amount of capital required and the length of time it takes for sold stallions to show a return on investment.

Dog Breeders

Dog breeders tend to earn lower than horse breeders when comparing the two. Again, variables like the breed, location, and popularity will contribute to the overall earnings of the breeder.

Cattle Breeders

Beef cattle breeders may earn an annual salary of around $61,000 while dairy cow breeders earn around $39,000 per year on average. Breeders who specialize in breeding livestock on small scales are prone to earning less but tend to put in less initial investment.

How Can You Increase Your Earning Potential as an Animal Breeder?

There are several things you can do to increase your earning potential as an animal breeder, some of which include:1. Specialization: Becoming an expert in breeding a specific animal species.2. Marketing: Effectively advertising services and building a loyal customer base through satisfied clients and word-of-mouth referrals.3. Education and Certification: Getting a formal education in animal breeding or taking specialized courses to expand expertise.4. Location: Relocating to areas with higher demand for bred livestock.5. Impeccable Animal Care: Ensuring quality care and housing of animals as a means to maintain their health, wellness, and market value.

Final Thoughts

Becoming an animal breeder is a fulfilling and exciting path. However, before jumping on the bandwagon, one needs to understand the cost of investment, time involved, and managing the responsibility of breeding and raising healthy livestock and pets. It's also important to keep in mind that the animal breeding industry can be highly competitive, and professional breeders must be able to adapt to shifts in demand, trends and changing methods.

How Much Do Animal Breeders Make?

Animal breeders are a critical part of the agriculture industry, and they play an essential role in producing high-quality livestock across the world. Breeders are responsible for selecting and breeding animals with desirable genetic traits such as improved milk production, better growth rates, and disease resistance. Besides, animal breeders are helping to produce enough food for the growing human population.

People may think that animal breeding is a hobby or passion, but it is also an excellent source of income. Animal breeders have several opportunities to make money from their business or activities. Let's take a closer look at how much do animal breeders make.

The average salary for animal breeders in the United States is around $42,000 annually. However, how much an animal breeder makes will depend on various factors such as the type of animal being bred, location, experience, and education.

The breeders who produce livestock for food production, such as cattle, pigs, and chickens, have an opportunity to earn more than those who produce smaller pets like cats and dogs. Farmers who breed poultry are making an average of $72,250 annually, while cattle farmers receive $69,670 per year, and pig farmers earn $60,630 annually.

Animal breeders with higher education and experience have better opportunities to earn a significant income. An animal breeder with an advanced degree like a Master's or PhD in animal breeding has the potential to earn around $70,000-$100,000 per year. Likewise, breeders with years of experience and proven track records can earn more than their less-experienced counterparts.

In addition to breeding animals, animal breeders can provide other services that can increase their overall income. For example, some breeders offer boarding services for pets, grooming services, or training for specific breeds. These value-added services can add an additional $20,000-$30,000 to a breeder's annual income.

Animal breeders can also earn money by selling their products, such as pet food, milk, eggs, or animal-related merchandise. Breeders who produce organic, grass-fed meat, or antibiotic-free products have a chance to demand a higher price than those who don't.

Location is another factor that affects animal breeders' income. Breeders who operate in areas with high demand for their products and services have a better opportunity to earn more than those who don't. For instance, breeders who operate in urban areas have higher chances of earning more than their rural counterparts since they serve a larger customer base.

The income of animal breeders in developing countries may differ from those in developed countries. In developing countries, animal breeding tends to be a subsistence activity, meaning that breeders produce livestock primarily for their use. This type of breeding does not earn much income, but it contributes to food security and livelihoods.

However, in developed countries like the European Union and the United States, animal breeding is a commercial activity aimed at meeting the growing demand for food production and high-quality livestock products.

In conclusion, animal breeding can be a viable career option and a great source of income. With education and experience, and boarding, grooming, training, and selling products and location playing vital roles in determining the income earnt in this industry, animal breeding as a profession offers great rewarding opportunities.

As you consider jumping into the animal breeding business, we hope this article has been helpful in deciding how much income you should expect. Either way, animal breeding is an excellent way to support the agriculture industry and sustain food production while earning a decent living.

How Much Do Animal Breeders Make?

What is animal breeding?

Animal breeding is the process of selecting and mating animals with desirable traits to produce offspring that also possess those traits.

What do animal breeders do?

Animal breeders are responsible for selecting, breeding and raising animals with specific traits like size, coloring or temperament, for various purposes, such as for food, work, sports, or companionship.

How much do animal breeders make per year?

The salary range for animal breeders varies widely depending on factors such as the type of animal they breed, their level of experience, and the location of their business. The average annual salary for animal breeders in the United States is around $43,000 according to

What affects an animal breeder's income?

Some factors that can impact an animal breeder's income include:

  • The type of animal they breed
  • The demand for that type of animal
  • The level of experience and reputation of the breeder
  • The location of the breeder's business
  • The marketing and sales strategies used by the breeder

What are some perks of being an animal breeder?

There are several benefits of being an animal breeder, including:

  1. The ability to work with animals and contribute to their welfare
  2. The satisfaction of seeing the results of their breeding efforts in healthy and thriving animals
  3. The opportunity to work independently and set their own schedule
  4. The potential to earn a good living doing something they love

Do animal breeders need special education or training?

Although some animal breeders may have a degree in animal science or related field, formal education is not always required to become a successful animal breeder. However, on-the-job training and experience are crucial in learning the skills necessary for animal breeding.