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Dwarf Fortress Update: Players Can Now Release Animals from Cages for Enhanced Gameplay Experience

Dwarf Fortress Update: Players Can Now Release Animals from Cages for Enhanced Gameplay Experience

Have you ever played Dwarf Fortress? If you have, then you know that sometimes, as a player, we end up trapping animals in cages. It seems like the easiest solution to keep them in check, but is it really fair to the animal?

According to statistics, more than 1 billion animals are trapped in cages every day across the world. That’s roughly 14% of the entire animal population.

But fear not, Dwarf Fortress fans! It is possible to release the animal from the cage and let it roam free once again.

You might be thinking, “Well, why should I even bother?” The answer is simple – it’s about being a responsible gamer. We often forget that games like Dwarf Fortress simulate life and everything in it, including animals.

What’s more, trapping animals in cages can also have a negative effect on your gameplay. As the game progresses, these animals might start to breed, and before you know it, you’ve got a full-blown animal kingdom on your hands.

So, how can you release animals from their cages in Dwarf Fortress? First, select the cage you want to open.

Next, select the “q” key to open the menu, and then move the cursor over the animal.

Once you have the animal selected, press “Enter” to open the options menu. Then, select “Release” and confirm your decision.

Voila! You have successfully released the animal from the cage. But don't forget - just because you’ve let it go doesn’t mean that it won’t come back. Keep an eye on the animal and make sure it doesn't cause any trouble.

Not only is releasing animals from their cages the right thing to do, but it also allows for a more natural and dynamic gameplay experience in Dwarf Fortress.

So, the next time you’re playing Dwarf Fortress and thinking about trapping an animal, stop and think again. Is it really worth it?

We hope this article has convinced you to release animals from their cages in Dwarf Fortress. Remember, being a responsible gamer means taking care of everything in your virtual world, including animals.

Now go out there and let those animals roam free!

Dwarf Fortress Release Animal From Cage
"Dwarf Fortress Release Animal From Cage" ~ bbaz

The Joy of Letting Animals Out of Their Cages in Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress is a complex and challenging game that requires the player to oversee a small community of dwarves as they establish a thriving fortress. But it's not just about managing your dwarves' needs – there are also plenty of animals to take care of, whether they are livestock or creatures you've captured from the wild.

Why Release Animals from Cages?

One thing that players might not immediately think about is the option to release animals from their cages. While it might seem counterproductive to just let your animals run wild, there are a few different reasons why it can be beneficial to do so:

  • Training purposes: Your military dwarves can practice fighting against wild animals to improve their skills and gain experience points. This can help them be better prepared for potential threats like goblin invasions.
  • Food supply: Allowing animals to roam free means they can graze on natural vegetation or hunt for prey, which can potentially cut down on the amount of food you need to provide for them.
  • Breeding: If you have multiple cages holding pairs of animals, releasing them into the wild can allow them to breed and create offspring that you can capture and train for your own purposes.

How to Release Animals from Cages

Releasing animals from cages is relatively simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Select the cage you want to release animals from in your fortress inventory.
  2. Use the q key to view the cage's settings.
  3. Select the option to release the animal.
  4. If the animal is hostile or dangerous, it will immediately attack nearby dwarves or animals. Be sure to block off any areas you don't want the animal to access.
  5. If the animal is friendly or docile, it will simply start wandering around your fortress. You can use the military menu to assign specific squads to take them down for training purposes.

Managing Released Animals

Once you've released animals from their cages, it's important to keep an eye on them to make sure they aren't causing any problems. Here are a few tips for managing your newly-released creatures:

  • Designate grazing areas: If you have room outside your fortress, you could consider designating an area for your released animals to graze.
  • Use doors and walls: If you want to keep released animals contained in certain areas, you can use doors and walls to control their movement.
  • Consider traps: Setting up traps in strategic locations can help you capture animals you want to relocate or train without risking damage to your dwarves or your fortress.


Overall, releasing animals from their cages can be a fun and useful aspect of Dwarf Fortress gameplay. Whether you're looking to train your military dwarves, create a sustainable food supply, or breed new animals for your community, letting creatures roam free can bring a new level of excitement and challenge to your fortress management experience.

Dwarf Fortress Release Animal From Cage: A Comparison

One of the most challenging tasks in Dwarf Fortress is managing your animal stockpile. With so many animals, it can be difficult to keep track of them all. To solve this problem, players often choose to cage some of their animals. However, from time to time, you may need to release an animal from its cage. In this blog post, we'll compare the different methods Dwarf Fortress players use to release animals, and provide opinions on which method is the best for each situation.

Manual Release

The most straightforward way of releasing an animal from a cage is to select the animal and manually release it. This method is as simple as it sounds – select the animal, and then click on the Release button in the Animal Status screen. This method is ideal when you want to release just one or two animals, and you have a small number of cages to manage.

However, this method becomes tedious when you have a large number of animals to release. It can take a long time to manually release each animal individually and can also lead to misclicks, causing you to accidentally have your animals run loose in your fortress.

Designate the Cage for Mass Release

If you have multiple cages with animals, you can reset the release order by designating the cage for mass release. In this method, you will toggle the mass release order for as many of the cages as you want. Once you do that, the dwarves will release the animals from their cages in the order you designated.

This method is a bit more efficient if you have multiple cages with animals that need to be released. Instead of spending time releasing each animal itself, you can designate all the cages and let the dwarfs do the work. This method is best used only when you have to release all animals at the same time.

Train Animals for Release

For animals that need to be released regularly or repeatedly, training is an excellent option. If your animals are trained for releases, they'll be automatically released from their cages when you schedule a mass release. To train your animals, you must specify which animal care laborer should train which animal, and they'll train them over time.

The more an animal is trained, the better it gets at managing itself in combat. When you release your trained animals, they will be more effective at defending your dwarves from hostile creatures or go out in raids. This method works well if you want to increase the effectiveness of your animals in combat, but it can take some time to get the animals trained. You will also need somebody available always to train your animals, which can be troublesome when there are urgent problems.

Comparison Table

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Manual Release Simple to use for individual cages Time consuming, misclicks may occur
Designate Cages for Mass Release Efficient for multiple cages Limited to simultaneous release of all animals
Train Animals for Release Better defence as trained animals encounter better situations Slow process, need trainers, animals may die without suitable training


Overall, in the end, the answer depends on the player's preference. Beginners may prefer manual release since it is easier to understand and handle one cage at a time. Players who use mass releases can manually check up each cage and manage the order. Additionally, advanced players who want fighters may prefer trained animals and have a specific dwarf race into animal training and release, but again, this method will consume more time and affect overall productivity.

In conclusion, consider using manual release for small instances that aren't worth mass releasing or training, and use mass release when many cages need to be emptied all at once. For long term goals or having better combat with animals, train them, or alternatively do not use caging at all if you feel confident controlling them without it.

How to Release Animals from Their Cage in Dwarf Fortress

If you are a fan of the popular game Dwarf Fortress, you know that animals play an important role in your fortress's survival. From farm animals to hunting companions, these creatures are the lifeblood of your community. However, sometimes you may find yourself needing to release an animal from its cage. This could be because it's time for a hunt or maybe you need more livestock to feed your people. Whatever the reason, here are tips for how to release animals from their cage.

Step One: Knowing the Types of Animals You Can Release

Before you start releasing everything in sight, it is essential to know which animals you can release safely. Some creatures are dangerous and can cause harm to your dwarves if not handled correctly. Others may have valuable traits, such as good meat or wool, which you want to preserve. To get started, check the status screen to see the types of animals you have in your cages.

Step Two: Designating a Dwarf to Release the Animal

Once you know which animal you want to release, it's essential to designate a dwarf to do so. This should be someone who is skilled in animal handling, as it requires a delicate touch. You can do this by going to the Animal menu and selecting Designate Animal for Release. Once you select a dwarf for this task, they will attempt to release the animal.

Step Three: Making Sure the Area is Secure

Before releasing an animal, you must ensure that the area is secure. This means making sure there are no hazards, such as traps or enemies, which can hurt the animal or your dwarves. Additionally, you want to make sure that the animal is not going to wander into areas of danger, such as a river or a pit.

Step Four: Opening the Cage

To release the animal, you need to open their cage. You can do this by selecting the cage and then pressing o. This will bring up a list of tasks, which will include opening the cage door. Select this option, and the cage will open, allowing the animal to run free.

Step Five: Controlling the Animal

Once the animal is out, it's essential to make sure that you have control over it. Some animals may be more skittish than others, and they may run off if not handled correctly. To avoid this, select the animal and then designate a dwarf to control it. This way, you can ensure that the animal stays where you want it to be.

Step Six: Returning the Animal to Its Cage

If you need to return an animal to its cage after releasing it, make sure that the cage is empty before doing so. This way, you don't accidentally trap another animal inside. Then, select the animal and choose the option to return to the cage. Your designated animal handler will take care of the rest.

Step Seven: Understanding Animal Behavior

It's important to understand how different animals behave in Dwarf Fortress. Some may be easier to control than others, while some may be more challenging to hunt. Knowing these behaviors can help you handle them better and make managing your animal population easier.

Step Eight: Creating Enclosures

Creating animal enclosures is an excellent way to keep your livestock and hunting companions safe. These enclosures should be secure and spacious enough for the animals to roam around freely. Additionally, make sure that there are areas for them to eat and drink, along with shelter for when the weather turns bad.

Step Nine: Training Your Dwarves

Training your dwarves in animal handling is an excellent way to ensure that you have a dedicated team to take care of your livestock. You can do this by designating an area for animal training and assigning a skilled dwarf to handle the training.

Step Ten: Checking on Your Animals

Finally, make sure that you check on your animals regularly. This means checking their health status and making sure that they are well-fed and cared for. Additionally, make sure that their enclosures are clean and that they have access to fresh water.Releasing animals from their cages is a necessary part of Dwarf Fortress gameplay. By following these tips, you can ensure that your animals are handled correctly, and your fortress remains prosperous.

Dwarf Fortress Release Animals From Cages: A Guide to Managing Your Wildlife

Welcome to the world of Dwarf Fortress, where managing your colony requires much more than just building fortifications and digging tunnels. In this game, players must also manage their wildlife, which can be both a blessing and a curse. While domesticated animals can provide valuable resources like food and clothing, wild animals can cause chaos and destruction if not properly handled.

One of the key ways to deal with wild animals is by releasing them from their cages. However, knowing when and how to do this is essential to maintaining a healthy balance in your colony. Read on for a guide on how to safely release animals from cages in Dwarf Fortress.

Why Release Animals?

First, let's discuss why you would want to release animals in the first place. There are a few reasons for this:

  • To tame the animal and make it easier to manage
  • To relocate the animal to a different area
  • To use the animal for hunting or combat purposes
  • To prevent overcrowding in cages

Now that we understand some of the reasons to release animals, let's discuss how to do so safely.

Steps to Release Animals Safely

The first step before releasing any wild animal is to ensure that it won't immediately run rampant in your colony. To do this, you should have a secure area nearby, with walls and doors to prevent the animal from escaping.

Once you have this area set up, it's time to release the animal. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cage containing the animal
  2. Designate the cage for removal
  3. Wait for one of your dwarves to come and remove the cage
  4. If the animal is hostile, immediately assign a squad to kill or capture it
  5. If the animal is non-hostile, designate an animal trainer to tame it
  6. If you simply want to relocate the animal, assign it to a pasture or zone in the desired location

By following these steps, you can effectively release animals from cages while maintaining control over their behavior.

Pros and Cons of Releasing Animals

While there are many benefits to releasing animals, there are also some drawbacks to consider.

One of the main benefits is the ability to train and tame wild animals, which can be a valuable asset to your colony. For example, if you release a wild dog, your animal trainer can work with it to turn it into a loyal and obedient pet.

Another benefit is the ability to relocate animals to different areas of your colony. This can help prevent overcrowding in cages and also ensure that your animals are located in areas where they can be most useful (for example, by keeping livestock near your farms).

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. Releasing certain types of animals can lead to chaos and destruction in your colony. For example, releasing a pack of wild wolves can quickly lead to deaths and injuries among your dwarves.

Additionally, taming animals takes time and resources. While the end result can be beneficial, it's important to weigh the costs and benefits before committing to this process.


In conclusion, releasing animals from cages can be a valuable tool for managing your wildlife in Dwarf Fortress. By following the steps outlined above, you can release animals safely and effectively.

However, it's important to carefully consider the pros and cons of releasing animals before doing so. By weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks, you can make an informed decision that will benefit your colony in the long run.

We hope that this guide has been helpful for you as you navigate the complex world of Dwarf Fortress. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on managing your colony!

Until then, happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Dwarf Fortress: Release Animal From Cage

What is Dwarf Fortress?

Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game that allows players to manage a colony of dwarves and their fortress. It includes various activities such as mining, crafting, trading, diplomacy, and combat with other civilizations.

How do I capture animals in Dwarf Fortress?

To capture animals in Dwarf Fortress, you need to build a cage trap and place it in an area where the animal often passes through. When the animal triggers the trap, it will become trapped inside the cage.

Can I release animals from cages in Dwarf Fortress?

Yes, you can release animals from cages in Dwarf Fortress. To do this, you need to select the cage and choose the option to release the animal. The released animal will return to the wild and may become hostile if it feels threatened.

How do I train animals in Dwarf Fortress?

To train animals in Dwarf Fortress, you need to assign a dwarf to the animal training labor and build a training zone. Once the training zone is built, you can assign specific animals to be trained. With sufficient training, animals can be taught to perform tasks such as hauling goods or attacking enemies.

What are the benefits of releasing animals from cages in Dwarf Fortress?

Releasing animals from cages in Dwarf Fortress can provide various benefits such as:

  1. Increased goodwill with animal-friendly civilizations
  2. Potential for taming and training the released animals
  3. Potential for hunting the released animals for food or resources