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Discovering The Animal Kingdom: Unraveling The Mystery Of The Largest Rears In The Animal World

Discovering The Animal Kingdom: Unraveling The Mystery Of The Largest Rears In The Animal World

Are you curious about the animal kingdom's posterior anatomy? If you're wondering which animal has the biggest butt, you've come to the right place. Let's dive into this quirky subject and explore some surprising facts and statistics that will leave you amazed.

To start things off, did you know that the animal with the largest rear end is also the fastest land mammal? Yes, we're talking about the mighty cheetah, whose muscular hindquarters are essential for its incredible bursts of speed. A cheetah's butt can measure up to 30 inches in circumference, allowing it to run as fast as 75 mph!

But what about animals that aren't known for their speed? Well, there's still plenty of bootylicious contenders out there. For example, hippos have notoriously large rear ends that can weigh up to half a ton! Their round, flabby rumps might not be as impressive as the cheetah's sleek muscles, but they sure do make a statement.

Then there's the kangaroo, whose powerful legs and tail help it hop great distances. Kangaroos have very long tails that act like a counterbalance to their bodies, and can sometimes appear chunky or thick. In fact, a kangaroo's tail can be up to 4 feet long and almost as wide as its body!

If we stay in the land of marsupials, we can't forget the wombat. These furry creatures are adored by animal lovers everywhere, but did you know they have a unique type of rear end? Wombats have cube-shaped poop, which is an adaptation that allows them to mark their territory more effectively. This also means that their butts have to work harder than most animals' to squeeze out their waste!

Speaking of creatures that have to work hard to get things out of their butts, we have bison. These iconic North American beasts can weigh over a ton and have massive muscle mass, including in their hindquarters. But what really sets them apart is their digestive system: bison have four-chambered stomachs and highly efficient intestines that extract every last ounce of nutrients from their tough prairie diets. This means their poop comes out in small, compact pellets – which can make for one formidable butt!

Finally, let's talk about an animal that might surprise you as a candidate for the biggest butt: the African elephant. While these gentle giants are best known for their enormous trunks and ears, they also have surprisingly hefty rear ends. An adult male elephant can weigh as much as 14,000 pounds, with much of that weight distributed in its rump. It might not be the shapeliest or most aesthetically pleasing butt on this list, but it certainly earns its place as one of the largest.

In conclusion, if you're ever asked the question what animal has the biggest butt?, now you have plenty of fun facts and stats to whip out. From speedy cheetahs to chunky hippos, the animal kingdom is full of creatures with impressive rear ends. So the next time you see a critter with a particularly large behind, take a moment to appreciate its unique adaptation and thank it for contributing to the wonderful diversity of life on earth.

What Animal Has The Biggest Butt
"What Animal Has The Biggest Butt" ~ bbaz


We have all heard the saying Does my butt look big in this? But have you ever wondered which animal on Earth has the biggest butt? If yes, then read on to find out!

The Largest Butt in the Animal Kingdom – Elephants

Elephants undoubtedly have the biggest butts in the animal kingdom. These mighty creatures weigh around 22,000 pounds and stand at over nine feet tall. Their massive size means that they need a big butt to support their weight.Despite their large size, elephants are very active animals and often walk for miles every day. Having a big butt helps them maintain stability and balance while in motion.

Why do Elephants Have Big Butts?

Elephants have big butts primarily because of their diet. As herbivores, they have to consume a lot of plant matter to meet their nutritional needs. Consequently, they have a long intestinal tract that needs to accommodate all the food they eat.Moreover, elephants do not have much body fat, so their massive behinds comprise mainly muscle and bone.

Giraffes - The Second Biggest Butt in the Animal Kingdom

Giraffes are known for their long necks, but did you know that they also have a sizable rear end? The average weight of an adult male Giraffe is 2,500 pounds, and females are slightly lighter at 1,800 pounds.Their butt is not only large to support their weight but also serves as insulation against the African heat. It prevents their legs from getting burned when they lie down to rest.

Why Do Giraffes Have Big Butts?

Giraffes have to crouch down or bend their front legs to drink water from the ground, so their rear-ends are essential for maintaining balance.Additionally, giraffes do not have sweat glands on their skin, so the blood vessels present in their buttocks serve to dissipate heat and regulate body temperature.


Baboons might not be as massive compared to elephants and giraffes, but they still have a pretty big butt. The average weight of an adult baboon is around 60 to 120 pounds.Baboons have a unique physical feature; their butt has glandular tissue similar to human breasts, which produces milk for their young ones.

Why Do Baboons Have Big Butts?

Like other primates, baboons use their hindquarters to communicate with others of their species. They have brightly colored genitalia and buttocks, which signals reproductive readiness and dominance.In addition, baboons use their big butts as a cushion while sitting, and it also aids their balance when hopping from tree to tree.


Hippos are known for their large size and aggressive nature. An adult male can weigh over 3,000 pounds, while females are slightly shorter and lighter.Although they are not massive compared to elephants, hippos have a big butt that makes up a significant portion of their body mass.

Why Do Hippos Have Big Butts?

Hippos are semi aquatic creatures spending most of their time in water, so their big butt serves as buoyancy in water, allowing them to float effortlessly.Moreover, hippos have a unique way of marking territory by defecating on the shores of water bodies, projecting their waste forward using their tails. Consequently, their behinds have evolved to accommodate this function.


In conclusion, the animal kingdom has a variety of creatures with big butts, each having evolved for specific reasons like balance, stability, communication, insulation, and buoyancy. While elephants remain the undisputed champions, giraffes, baboons, and hippos all have an impressive rear end that is hard to ignore!

What Animal Has The Biggest Butt?

The Importance of a Big Butt

While big butts may seem like a purely aesthetic feature, they are actually important for a variety of reasons. For many animals, a large rear end is necessary for survival and reproduction. For example, female baboons with larger buttocks tend to have healthier offspring, while female koalas rely on their large behinds to grind up the tough leaves they eat. So, which animal really has the biggest butt?

The Winner: The Blue Whale

When it comes to sheer size, the blue whale is the clear winner. These massive creatures can grow up to 100 feet long and weigh as much as 200 tons. Unsurprisingly, they also have incredibly large rear ends. In fact, a blue whale's anus can be up to a foot in diameter!

Table Comparison:

Animal Butt Size
Blue Whale Up to 1 foot in diameter
Hippopotamus Up to 1.5 feet wide and 2 feet tall
African Elephant Up to 3 feet wide and 2 feet tall
Giraffe Up to 2 feet wide and 1.5 feet tall

Honorable Mentions

While the blue whale takes the cake for biggest butt, there are a few other animals that also deserve recognition for their impressive derrieres.

The Hippopotamus

Hippos are known for their sizeable behinds, which can measure up to 1.5 feet wide and 2 feet tall. These massive mammals spend most of their time in the water, where their butts act as buoyancy devices. They also use their rears to mark their territory by spraying feces at potential rivals.

The African Elephant

Elephants have famously large posteriors, with some individuals measuring up to 3 feet wide and 2 feet tall. These butts serve an important purpose by acting as cushions when elephants sit down, helping to protect their bones and joints. Elephants also use their behinds to communicate with one another through various scent and tactile cues.

The Giraffe

While giraffes are more known for their impossibly long necks, they also have impressively large behinds. A giraffe's rear end can measure up to 2 feet wide and 1.5 feet tall, making it one of the largest in the animal kingdom. Giraffes use their butts to communicate with other members of their herd, particularly during mating season.

Why Do Animals Have Big Butts?

As we've seen, big butts serve a variety of purposes in the animal kingdom. In addition to communication and reproductive success, a large rear end can also help with things like balance and thermoregulation. For example, certain species of primates use their buttocks as a kind of built-in seat cushion when perching in trees for extended periods of time.

Our Opinion

While we may not be experts on animal butts, we can certainly appreciate the unique and fascinating biology behind these features. From blue whales to hippos to elephants and giraffes, there are plenty of animals out there with impressive derrieres. At the end of the day, we can all agree that every creature has its own unique strengths and adaptations, whether they come in the form of a big butt or something else entirely.

What Animal Has The Biggest Butt: A Comprehensive Guide


Butts have always been a source of fascination for human beings, and we often wonder which animal has the biggest one. While it may seem like an odd question, it's one that has piqued the curiosity of many of us. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the animals with the most prominent rear ends and explore the reasons why they developed this feature.


Elephants are known for their large size, but they're also noteworthy for their huge butts. These majestic creatures have plump behinds that make up a significant portion of their body mass. Their derriere isn't just big for show, though. It's designed to help them balance when standing on two legs, and it also helps to distribute their weight evenly when they're on all fours. Elephants use their butts for communication as well; they rub them against each other to express affection, dominance, and even aggression.


Baboons are another animal that's famous for their notable hindquarters. Female baboons, in particular, have red, swollen buttocks that signal their reproductive status to males. The bigger the butt, the more attractive the baboon is seen as being by members of the opposite sex. Baboons also use their butts for grooming purposes; they'll pick out nits and bugs from each other's fur using their hands and teeth.


Rhinoceroses may not be the first animal that comes to mind when you think of large butts, but these creatures have some serious junk in the trunk. Rhinos have thick, muscular rear ends that help them charge at high speeds. They use their butts to generate the power needed to take down prey and defend their territory. Rhino butts are also equipped with a gland that secretes a pungent musk, which the animals use to mark their territory.


If you've ever seen a hippopotamus wading through a river, you'll know that these animals are not known for their dainty appearance. Hippos have round, bulbous rears that help them stay afloat in the water. They're also used for defense; hippos have been known to use their butts to influence the behavior of other animals. Gaboon vipers, for example, have been observed fleeing from attacking hippos when they slap their tail against the water's surface, creating a loud noise.


Gorillas are the largest primates on Earth, and they have the butts to match. These animals have broad, powerful buttocks that allow them to move through the forest with ease. Gorilla butts are also a sign of maturity and virility; males develop prominent swellings that signal their dominance over other males. In some cases, dominant male gorillas will even use their butts to intimidate rivals by thrusting them forward aggressively.


In conclusion, there are many animals with impressive behinds, each with their unique adaptations and evolutionary advantages. While we may never be able to definitively answer the question of which animal has the biggest butt, it's clear that many creatures have developed this feature to suit their specific needs.Whether it's for balance, communication, or defense, a large derriere can provide many benefits in the animal kingdom. So the next time you're out in nature, keep an eye out for those creatures with the most prominent rear ends, and take a moment to appreciate the marvels of evolution.

What Animal Has The Biggest Butt?

When it comes to the animal kingdom, there are all sorts of species with unique features and characteristics. From the tallest giraffe to the fastest cheetah, each animal is remarkable in its own way. But have you ever thought about which animal has the biggest butt? In this blog post, we will explore some of the animals with the largest rear ends and reveal the surprising answer to this question.

Let's start with elephants. Elephants are known for their massive size, so it's no surprise that their bottoms are equally impressive. Their derrieres can weigh up to 100 kilograms, which is staggering considering the average human weighs around 70 kilograms. Elephants use their butts for more than just sitting, however. They also use them for communication, through a variety of signals, such as flapping their ears or making sounds with their trunks.

The hippopotamus is another animal with a large bottom. Although their rear ends might not be quite as hefty as elephants, they are still impressive nonetheless. The hippo's butt is made of dense muscle, which allows them to move quickly both on land and in water. Additionally, hippos use their butts for territorial marking, as they excrete a reddish-brown substance from their anal glands known as blood sweat when they are agitated or excited.

Gorillas, the largest of the primates, also have sizable butts. However, their buttocks are not just for show. Gorillas use their powerful gluteal muscles to move around their heavy bodies and to maintain balance when climbing trees. Their butt muscles are so strong that they could easily rip a man in half if they wanted to.

Now, let's talk about some animals that you might not expect to have a large behind. For example, kangaroos have massive tails that are used for balance when hopping around, but their butts are also quite chunky. Kangaroos use their butts to jump and kick, and the muscles in their hindquarters allow them to move quickly and powerfully.

Speaking of powerful -- crocodiles and alligators may not seem like prime candidates for big butts, but their rear ends are actually quite formidable. These creatures use their butts as weapons when they are fighting or defending themselves. The muscles in their tails can deliver a powerful blow, capable of breaking bones or knocking a predator unconscious.

Believe it or not, one of the animals with the largest butts of all is a species of baboon. Known as the mandrill, these primates have bright red and blue butts that are impossible to miss. In fact, their bottoms are so large and colorful that they are often considered to be the most colorful part of any animal in the world. Mandrills use their colorful buttocks as a way to attract mates and to intimidate rivals.

So, what's the verdict? Which animal has the biggest butt? Well, as it turns out, the answer might come as a surprise. Although elephants, hippos, gorillas, kangaroos, crocodiles, alligators, and mandrills all have impressive rear ends, the title for the animal with the biggest butt goes to the blue whale.

Blue whales have a massive tail that can measure up to 7 meters wide. In comparison to their overall size, this means that their butt makes up a significant portion of their body mass. Blue whales use their tails for swimming, and their muscles are incredibly powerful. In fact, a single swipe from a blue whale's tail could knock over a boat.

So there you have it -- the blue whale has officially been crowned the animal with the biggest butt. Whether you were expecting this answer or not, we hope you enjoyed learning about some of the other animals with impressive rear ends along the way.

Thanks for reading!

What Animal Has The Biggest Butt?

People also ask about what animal has the biggest butt:

  • Which animal has the largest hindquarters?
  • What is the animal with the biggest buttocks?
  • What creature's behind is the largest?
  • Is the elephant's butt the largest in the animal kingdom?

The answer:

When it comes to the animal world, the hippopotamus has the largest butt. Their hindquarters can weigh up to 1,500 pounds. Surprisingly, despite their size, hippos can run at speeds up to 19 miles per hour.

That being said, there are other animals that have proportionally large butts. For instance, elephants have massive behinds as well, but it's not solely composed of fat - also made up of muscle and bone, which give them a sturdier base and better balance.

In short, animals such as hippos and elephants have some of the biggest booties in the animal kingdom.