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Unleashing the Wild: Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 Recap

Unleashing the Wild: Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 Recap

Animal Kingdom fans were on the edge of their seats for the much-awaited Season 3 Episode 3. The show has managed to continuously captivate its audience with the high stakes, gritty crime drama, and complex relationships.

The episode kicks off with a bang, leaving viewers with a lot of questions. Why is Smurf crying? Who is the mysterious woman at the diner? And what exactly is J getting himself into now?

One thing is for sure; Smurf's vulnerability is becoming more apparent. Perhaps it's because she is dealing with cancer, or maybe she is starting to realize that her hold over her sons is slipping away.

The show takes a darker and more twisted turn as the Cody family gets entangled in a dangerous heist. It's a stark contrast to the seemingly normal and mundane situations they face in other episodes.

The acting performances are top-notch, and the tension is palpable. The show continues to establish itself as one of the best crime dramas around.

The dynamics between the characters are constantly shifting, and we see more of the Cody brothers' individual personalities this season. The characters are complex, and even the most detestable ones have moments where we sympathize with them.

The episode also has some hilarious moments, such as Baz trying his best to be a good father to his baby daughter while struggling with his criminal lifestyle.

However, Animal Kingdom never shies away from the harsh realities of the criminal world. The episode shows us just how ruthless and brutal these people can be, even when dealing with their own kin.

The cinematography is stunning, and every shot is well thought out. The music adds to the intensity of the scenes, creating a fully immersive experience for the audience.

One thing that sets Animal Kingdom apart is its ability to keep us guessing. The show is unpredictable, and we never know what twist or turn it will take next.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the next installment. What will happen to Smurf? Will J finally get in over his head? The only thing we know for sure is that Animal Kingdom continues to deliver high-quality entertainment.

In conclusion, Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 is a must-watch for fans of the show. With its gripping storyline, exceptional acting, and stunning visuals, it's no wonder the show has developed a loyal following. Make sure to tune in and see what all the hype is about.

Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3
"Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3" ~ bbaz


The Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 went on air on the 12th of June 2018 and was received with great anticipation. This episode focused on the Cody family, and their struggle for power and control in their gritty California town. It was an action-packed episode that left viewers engrossed from start to finish.

Plot Summary

The episode opens with Smurf still in jail and her sons struggling to maintain their grip on the family's empire. J, who is now in charge, decides to make a move on one of their competitors, Vin, who has been trying to muscle in on the Codys' territory.

Meanwhile, Deran and Adrian are still in hiding after their close shave with the law. They've decided to stay on a boat, hoping that the police won't be able to find them there. Pope, on the other hand, is feeling the weight of Smurf's absence, and is struggling to keep his emotions in check.

J's Plan

J is desperate to keep the family business running smoothly, and so he hatches a plan to get rid of Vin. He invites him over to talk, but things quickly turn violent when J pulls a gun on him. Vin puts up a fight, but J is able to overpower him, leaving him battered and bruised on the floor.

Pope's Struggle

Pope, who has always been the most unpredictable of the Cody boys, is struggling to come to terms with Smurf's imprisonment. He tries to keep busy by helping out with the family's criminal activities, but his mind keeps drifting back to his mother. He confides in J, who tells him to focus on the job at hand, but it's clear that Pope is on the verge of a breakdown.

Deran and Adrian's Hiding

Deran and Adrian are still holed up on the boat, but things are starting to get tense between them. Adrian is struggling to cope with being on the run, and Deran is worried that he might say something that could incriminate them both. Their situation is further complicated when they run into an old friend who has ties to the Codys.


The Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 was another thrilling chapter in the Cody family's story. It was an episode that focused on the relationships and power dynamics within the family, and left viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. With each passing episode, the stakes get higher, and it's clear that the Cody's problems are far from over.

If you're a fan of gritty drama and complex characters, then Animal Kingdom is definitely a show you should be watching. With its talented cast and expertly crafted storyline, it's no wonder that this show has become one of the most talked-about dramas on television today.

So, if you haven't already, tune in to the next episode of Animal Kingdom, and prepare yourself for another wild ride.

Comparing Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3

The Characters

In this episode, we see the Cody family continuing their illegal activities. J is still trying to prove himself even though he's already a valuable member of the group. Smurf, the matriarch of the family, is still dealing with her own problems while also manipulating her sons and grandson. There is a new character, Frankie, who is introduced as a potential love interest for J.

The Storyline

The storyline in this episode revolves around the Cody family trying to sell stolen goods. They’re all struggling with their own issues such as drug addiction and fatherhood. Smurf, in particular, is trying to deal with her past trauma while also trying to maintain control over her sons. J is trying to prove himself to the family, but he’s also trying to figure out his relationship with Nicky and the new girl, Frankie. The tension between the different characters adds to the overall story of the show.

The Cinematography

The cinematography in this episode is very impressive. The scenes are well shot and lit, making the show visually appealing. There are also some great camera angles used that help to convey the intensity of the scenes. The overall production value of the show is high, making it enjoyable to watch both visually and narratively.

The Acting

One thing that stands out in this episode is the great acting. The actors in this show, particularly Ellen Barkin (Smurf), are remarkable. They portray their characters with authenticity and depth, making it easy to become invested in the show. The chemistry between the actors is also strong, making the scenes more believable.

The Dialogue

The dialogue in this episode is engaging and realistic. The show's writers do a great job of creating dialogue that flows naturally and realistically. The conversations between the characters are also interesting, providing depth to each character and their relationships with each other. Overall, the dialogue adds to the overall quality of the show.

The Pacing

The pacing in this episode is well done. The show focuses on different storylines simultaneously, providing enough time for each plot to develop. Each scene moves the story forward, making it engaging and leaving the viewer wanting more.

The Themes

The themes explored in this episode include family, loyalty, addiction, and control. The Cody family is a tight-knit group that relies on each other for support. However, they're also addicted to their criminal lifestyle and the money it provides. Smurf tries to maintain control over her family even as her past traumas continue to haunt her. Each theme is explored thoroughly, adding depth to the show overall.

The Music

The music in this episode is well chosen and helps to accentuate the intensity of the scenes. The music complements the storyline, helping to convey the emotions of the characters and the overall atmosphere of the show.

The Setting

Animal Kingdom takes place in Southern California, specifically in the beach town of Oceanside. The setting adds to the believability of the show, as it’s easy to imagine a family of criminals living in this area. The show also does a great job of showcasing the beauty of the area while also demonstrating the darker side of Southern California.

The Violence

As with previous episodes, there is violence in this episode. However, the violence isn't gratuitous and is essential to the storyline. The violence adds to the overall intensity of the show, as it demonstrates the lengths the Cody family will go to protect themselves and their lifestyle.

Overall Opinion

Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 is a well-done episode that showcases the strengths of the show. The cinematography is impressive, the acting is astounding, the pacing is engaging, and the storyline is captivating. The themes explored in this episode are applicable to people from all walks of life, making it an accessible show for everyone.

Positive Negative
The Characters The characters are well developed and interesting to watch. There isn't really anything negative to say about the characters.
The Storyline The story is engaging and captivating, leaving the viewer wanting more. Some viewers might find the criminal lifestyle of the characters immoral or uncomfortable to watch.
The Cinematography The show is visually stunning and has a high production value. There isn't really anything negative to say about the cinematography.
The Acting The acting is phenomenal, with each actor portraying their character with depth and authenticity. There isn't really anything negative to say about the acting.
The Dialogue The dialogue is well written and realistic, adding depth to the characters and the story. Some viewers might find the profanity and vulgarity of the show offensive.
The Pacing The pacing is engaging, and each scene moves the story forward. Some viewers might find the show slow-paced in comparison to other crime dramas.
The Themes The themes explored in the show are relevant and relatable to a wide audience. Some viewers might find the themes of addiction and criminal lifestyle uncomfortable to watch.
The Music The music is well chosen and helps to enhance the overall atmosphere of the show. Some viewers might not enjoy the particular genre of music used in the show.
The Setting The setting adds to the believability of the show and showcases the beauty of Southern California. Some viewers might not be familiar with or interested in the Oceanside area.
The Violence The violence is essential to the storyline and adds to the overall intensity of the show. Some viewers might find the violence in the show too graphic or disturbing.

Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3: A Guide to the Best Moments and Tips

The third episode of Animal Kingdom's third season, titled The Center Will Hold is a thrilling and action-packed addition to the series. The Cody family is back with their criminal enterprise, and this time they're facing even bigger challenges than before. As the story unfolds, it's hard not to be captivated by the well-written characters and the adrenaline-fueled situations they find themselves in. Here are some tips and moments you don't want to miss out on in Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3.

1. Flashback to Lynn's Tragic Story

In the opening scene, we are introduced to Lynn, a young woman who fell into Baz's hood. We learn about her grim past, including abuse and drug addiction which led to her losing custody of her child. The scene is both emotional and gripping, giving us insight into one of the show's many complex characters.

2. Deran's Sexual Orientation Takes Center Stage

Deran, one of the Cody brothers, struggles with his sexual identity throughout the episode. We see him making decisions that are influenced by his sexuality, including trying to impress a man he is attracted to. This aspect of his character is refreshing and well-handled, especially given that there are still so few openly LGBTQ+ characters on television.

3. Smurf Begins to Unravel

Smurf's usually cool and collected demeanor begins to break down in this episode. We see her making irrational decisions and grasping for control in ways that she hasn't before. It's clear that something is coming to a boiling point within her, and the writers expertly tease what that might mean for her character in the future episodes.

4. The Cody's Business is in Jeopardy

The Cody's criminal enterprise is under threat from multiple angles in this episode. They are forced to work with an old enemy and navigate a new government investigation, all while trying to keep their various schemes from each other. It's an exciting and adrenaline-fueled aspect of the show that keeps viewers on the edge of their seat.

5. Pope Gets Romantic

Pope, another of the Cody brothers, has been struggling with his emotions since his girlfriend was murdered in Season 2. In this episode, he connects with a woman who has experienced similar loss and the two share a sweet moment on the beach. It's a touching scene that adds a bit of empathy and emotion to an already intense show.

6. The Cody Family Dynamics Continue to Shift

As always, the relationships between the Cody family members are complex and ever-changing. In this episode, we see some tense moments between certain characters, particularly Smurf and J, who seem to be heading towards a confrontation. Watching how these shifting relationships will affect the business and overall storyline of the show is always fascinating.

7. Keep an Eye Out for the One-Liners

Animal Kingdom is known for its dry humor and witty one-liners, and this episode is no exception. From Craig and Deran's banter to J's sarcastic quips, make sure you're paying attention for those quick and clever moments.

8. Action-Packed Scenes

Animal Kingdom is full of action-packed scenes and Episode 3 is no different. From high-speed chases in sports cars to drug deals gone awry, there is plenty of excitement to be had here. Don't blink, or you might miss something!

9. Craig's Love Life Takes a Turn

Craig, the youngest Cody brother, is well-known for his tendency to date multiple women at once. In this episode, we see him pursuing a new relationship and things quickly take an unexpected turn. Watching the Cody brothers navigate their personal lives is always entertaining and this episode is no different.

10. A Cliffhanger Ending

As with all good dramas, the third episode of Animal Kingdom Season 3 ends with a tantalizing cliffhanger. We won't spoil it here, but suffice it to say that fans of the show won't want to miss what happens next.

The Verdict

Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 The Center Will Hold is another fantastic addition to the series. It's an emotionally charged, fast-paced, and high-stakes hour of television that leaves you wanting more. Keep these tips and moments in mind when you watch, and you're sure to enjoy every minute of it.

Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 Review: The Center Will Hold

The third episode of Animal Kingdom's season 3 was as intriguing as the previous two installments. Directed by Shawn Hatosy, who also stars as Andrew Pope Cody on the show, the episode called The Center Will Hold continued to build on the tension and drama that has come to be associated with the series. Spoilers ahead!

The episode starts with Janine Smurf Cody (played by Ellen Barkin) being questioned by the police. Smurf successfully evades the questioning by fabricating an alibi and all the while is calculating her next move. Her focus shifts to the family's heist plans, which they need to execute to keep their business running smoothly. However, as always, their plans are not without complications.

J, played brilliantly by Finn Cole, grows increasingly uncomfortable with the way things are being handled within the Cody clan. He seeks advice from his girlfriend Nicky, but she is unable to provide any real insight. When he confronts Smurf about it, his grandmother reveals a dark secret about his mother that leaves J grappling with the reality of his situation.

Meanwhile, Deran (Jake Weary) is dealing with his romantic feelings towards his longtime friend Adrian. Adrian wants more than just a casual relationship with Deran, which forces Deran to question the stability of their friendship and whether he can risk losing it all by stepping out of his comfort zone.

The episode is titled The Center Will Hold after the W.B. Yeats poem, that speaks to an impending chaos that will destroy society. In this context, it is easy to see why this description fits the episode so well. As tensions rise within the family and external pressures begin to mount, it feels like the delicate balance that has kept the Codys afloat might not hold up much longer.

J's character development this season has been exceptional, and this episode was no exception. His frustration with the family's operations and his relationship with Smurf were palpable, and his internal struggle adds an extra layer of complexity to the story.

Meanwhile, the storyline with Deran and Adrian is beautifully written, and their chemistry on screen is undeniable. The conversation they have towards the end of the episode is one of the highlights of the series so far, as it showcases the fears and anxieties that come with discovering one's sexuality, particularly in a hyper-masculine and homophobic environment such as Orange County.

As always, Ellen Barkin killed it with her performance, portraying Smurf's ruthlessness and cunning with ease. It will be interesting to see where the writers take her character this season, as she seems to be losing control over her family and her empire.

The music choices in Animal Kingdom are always spot on, and The Center Will Hold was no exception. The use of I Wanna Be Your Dog by Iggy and the Stooges during the opening scene set the tone for the rest of the episode and added to the overall rebellious vibe of the show.

In conclusion, The Center Will Hold was yet another fantastic episode in what is shaping up to be one of the best seasons of Animal Kingdom yet. The character development and the intricate plotlines keep the audience invested and engaged, and the acting is top-notch. If you are not watching this show yet, do yourself a favor and start binge-watching!

That's all for our review of Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3. Stay tuned for more updates on the show!

People Also Ask About Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3

What is Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 about?

Season 3 Episode 3 of Animal Kingdom is titled The Center Will Hold and it features the Cody family dealing with the aftermath of Baz's death. Smurf (played by Ellen Barkin) takes charge as the matriarch of the family and tries to teach J (played by Finn Cole) the ropes of being a part of the criminal empire.

Who is in the cast of Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3?

The main cast members of Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 include:

  1. Ellen Barkin as Smurf Cody
  2. Shawn Hatosy as Pope Cody
  3. Ben Robson as Craig Cody
  4. Jake Weary as Deran Cody
  5. Finn Cole as Joshua J Cody

Where can I watch Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3?

Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3 can be watched on TNT or you may also watch it on streaming services like Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and iTunes.

What should I expect from Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3?

In this episode, viewers can expect to see the family struggling to cope with Baz's absence while trying to keep their criminal activities going smoothly. There will also be more focus on J's journey into the family business and his interactions with Smurf and the other Codys.

Will there be any new characters introduced in Animal Kingdom Season 3 Episode 3?

As far as we know, there are no new characters introduced in this episode. However, the existing characters will continue to develop and face new challenges.