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Step into a World of Fun: Explore the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates

Step into a World of Fun: Explore the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates

Are you tired of the same old routine? Do you need a break from reality? Come and explore the Animal Crossing: New Horizons world! With the new addition of Gates, you can now visit friends on different islands. But what exactly are Gates?

Gates are a new feature in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that allow players to visit other islands. This can be done through online play or local wireless play. You can explore your friends' islands, trade items, and interact with their villagers.

Not only can you visit friends' islands, but you can also invite them to your own. This gives you the opportunity to show off your island's unique features and share your creativity.

With Gates, the possibilities are endless. You can attend parties, host events, and even participate in treasure hunts. The social aspect of Animal Crossing has been taken to a whole new level, giving you a chance to connect with others in a fun and exciting way.

But how do you use Gates? It's simple! When you're ready to visit a friend's island, you just need to go to the airport on your own island. Talk to Orville and select I want visitors or I want to visit someone. From there, you can either invite people to your island or visit someone else's.

It's important to note that using Gates requires a Nintendo Switch Online membership, as well as an internet connection. But don't worry, the membership is affordable and well worth the price for all the fun you'll have exploring different islands.

If you're worried about losing progress on your own island, don't be. Your island stays the same, and any items you collect during your visit to another island will be stored in your inventory. It's a win-win situation!

Another great feature of Gates is the ability to send postcards. Once you've visited an island, you can send a postcard to your friend as a thank you or just to say hello. It's a cute and thoughtful way to stay connected with your fellow Animal Crossing players.

Overall, Gates add even more charm to an already fantastic game. It's a great way to connect with friends and build a community within the Animal Crossing world. So what are you waiting for? Grab your Nintendo Switch and start exploring!

In conclusion, whether you're a new player or a veteran Animal Crossing fan, Gates are a must-try feature. It's easy to use, fun to explore, and adds a whole new level of social interaction to the game. So why not give it a try and see for yourself how much fun you can have with Gates?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates
"Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates" ~ bbaz

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the most popular games in the world, and it continues to attract new players every day. One of the features that makes this game so special is the ability to visit other players' islands through gates. This feature has opened up a whole new world for players and has allowed people from all over the world to connect and share their creations with each other.

What Are Gates?

Gates are a feature in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that allow players to visit other players' islands. To use gates, you must have access to the internet and be able to connect with other players. The gates are located in the airport on your island, and they can be opened or closed by the owner of the island. When a gate is open, other players can come to your island to visit and explore. When the gate is closed, no one can visit your island.

Types of Gates

There are two types of gates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Dodo Code gates and Best Friend gates. Dodo Code gates allow anyone to come to your island as long as they have the code. You can generate a Dodo Code anytime you want to open your island to visitors. Best Friend gates, on the other hand, require you to add someone as a Best Friend before they can visit your island. Once someone is added to your Best Friend list, they can come to your island whenever they want without needing a code.

The Benefits of Using Gates

Using gates has many benefits. First, it allows you to visit other players' islands and see what they've created. You can get inspiration for your own island and get ideas for new projects. Second, it allows you to trade with other players. You can trade items, furniture, materials, and more with other players to help build your island up. Third, it allows you to connect with other players from all around the world. You can make new friends and build a community in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons world.

Etiquette When Using Gates

When using gates, it's important to follow some basic etiquette rules. First, always ask before taking anything from someone's island. Don't just help yourself to items without getting permission first. Second, be respectful of other players' time and islands. Don't take too long exploring someone's island without their permission. Third, leave a gift or tip when you visit someone's island. It's a nice gesture and shows appreciation for letting you visit their island.

Tips for Using Gates

If you're new to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there are some tips for using gates that you should know. First, be sure to have a reliable internet connection. Nothing is more frustrating than losing connection while you're visiting someone's island. Second, always bring something to trade when you visit an island. It helps build rapport with other players and makes the experience more enjoyable. Third, be sure to have fun! Using gates is one of the best parts of the game, so don't take it too seriously.


Animal Crossing: New Horizons gates are a fantastic feature that allow players to visit other players' islands and connect with others in a virtual world. Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned player, using gates can be a fun and rewarding experience. Just remember to follow etiquette rules, bring something to trade, and have fun!

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates - A Comparison


Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a popular life-simulation game that was released in 2020. One of the most exciting features of the game is the ability to travel to different islands. In order to do this, players must use gates. In this article, we will be comparing the different types of gates available in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

The Airport Gate

The first gate available in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the airport gate. This gate is located on the player's island and allows them to travel to other islands. The airport gate has a few limitations, such as only allowing one player at a time to travel and requiring a Wi-Fi connection. However, the airport gate is easy to use and gives players a lot of freedom to explore.


  • Easy to use
  • Offers a lot of freedom to explore


  • Only allows one player to travel at a time
  • Requires a Wi-Fi connection

The Dream Suite Gate

The Dream Suite gate is a unique feature in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that allows players to visit dream versions of other players' islands. This gate can be accessed by sleeping in a bed in the player's home. The Dream Suite gate is an excellent way to see what other players have created, without worrying about changing their island in any way.


  • Allows players to visit dream versions of other players' islands
  • Does not change the original island


  • Players cannot interact with the island
  • Players cannot bring items or creatures back to their original island

The NookLink Gate

The NookLink gate is a feature that requires the Nintendo Switch Online app. Players can use this gate to visit islands that are randomly generated by Nintendo. While this gate does not allow players to visit other players' islands, it is an excellent way to see unique content that they may not find on their own.


  • Allows players to see unique content
  • Works via the Nintendo Switch Online app


  • Players cannot interact with the island
  • Players cannot bring items or creatures back to their original island

The Player-to-Player Gate

The final gate in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the player-to-player gate. This gate allows players to visit each other's islands directly. The player-to-player gate is the most robust option available and allows for complete interaction between players. However, this gate requires a friend who also owns Animal Crossing: New Horizons.


  • Allows for complete interaction between players
  • No restrictions on what players can do


  • Requires a friend who also owns the game
  • Players may need to coordinate travel times


Overall, there are four types of gates available in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, each with its own pros and cons. The airport gate is the most accessible and allows for the most freedom, while the player-to-player gate provides the most interaction but requires coordination between players. Ultimately, the type of gate a player uses will depend on their individual preferences and needs.

Tips and Tricks for Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game that has captured the hearts of gamers around the world. Being able to design your own island and interact with cute animals is one of the main reasons why this game is so popular. One of the most interesting features about the game is the use of gates. It’s important to understand how these gates work and how you can use them to make the most of your gameplay experience. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates.

What are Gates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Before we dive into the tips, it’s important to understand what gates are and what they do. Gates are a type of infrastructure that allows players to travel between different islands. Essentially, they’re like transportation portals that enable you to travel to other locations quickly. The gates also allow you to invite other players to your island, so you can play together.

Tip 1: Setting up a Dodo Airlines Account

Before you can start using gates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you need to set up a Dodo Airlines account. This is an easy process that is done at the Dodo Airlines counter on your island. Once you have an account, you can access the airport and use the gates to travel to other islands.

Tip 2: Using the Gates to Explore New Islands

One of the best things about Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the ability to visit other islands. When you use the gates, you can explore different environments and meet new animals. You can also find new resources and items that you can use to decorate your island.

Tip 3: Decorate Your Island with Designs from Other Islands

When you visit other islands, you can bring back custom designs that you can use to decorate your own island. This is a great way to add some variety and color to your island without spending too much time designing everything yourself.

Tip 4: Inviting Friends to Your Island

If you have friends who also play Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you can use the gates to invite them to your island. This allows you to play together and exchange items and resources. It’s important to note that you need to be friends with someone before you can invite them to your island.

Tip 5: Create a Coordinated Island Experience

Another way to make the most of the gates is to create a coordinated island experience with your friends. By agreeing on a theme for your islands, you can create a cohesive and fun environment for everyone to enjoy.

Tip 6: Get Help from Other Players

When you visit other islands, you can also ask for help with specific tasks. For example, if you need a certain type of resource, you can ask other players if they have any to spare. This is a great way to build relationships with other players and to get the items you need to progress in the game.

Tip 7: Host Events on Your Island

If you want to create a fun social experience on your island, you can use the gates to invite other players to events. You can host parties, scavenger hunts, and other activities that everyone can participate in.

Tip 8: Trade Items with Other Players

When you visit other islands, you can trade items with other players. This is a great way to get items that you need and to get rid of items that you don’t want. You can also sell items to other players for bells, the game’s currency.

Tip 9: Use Gates to Collect Resources

If you’re running low on resources on your island, you can use the gates to travel to other islands to collect more. This is a great way to get materials for crafting and to keep your island looking great.

Tip 10: Be Respectful of Other Players

Finally, it’s important to be respectful of other players when you’re using the gates. This means not stealing items or resources from other players, not destroying their property, and generally being a good player. Remember, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a community-oriented game, and the gates are there to help you connect with other players.


Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game that has captured the hearts of gamers around the world. The use of gates in the game is one of its most interesting features, and understanding how they work can help you to make the most of your gameplay experience. Whether you’re exploring new islands, trading items with other players, or hosting events on your own island, the gates are an essential part of the game that will keep you engaged and entertained for hours on end. So, go ahead and use these tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the gates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates: Everything You Need to Know

If you are an ardent player of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you may be wondering what the fuss is about Gates. Gates have been around in previous versions of the game, but for new players or those who are returning after a hiatus, it may seem like a brand new concept. In this article, we will take a deep dive into Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates and everything that you need to know about them.

Essentially, Gates are the portals that help players travel to different islands. In the game, you have your own island that you can develop to suit your preferences. But aside from your own island, there are plenty of other islands that you can visit. These islands are either generated randomly or through other means such as amiibo cards. To get to these islands, you will need to use a Gate.

There are two types of Gates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. These are Dodo Gates and Dream Gates. Dodo Gates are the main way to unlock other islands in the game. They are stationed at the airport and allow you to travel to other islands via online play or multiplayer mode with your friends. Meanwhile, Dream Gates allow you to travel to dream versions of other players’ islands.

To use the Dodo Gates, you first need to have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Once you have this, you can speak to Orville, the Dodo who mans the airport. He will offer you the option to fly to either another player’s island or a random island. If you choose to visit another player’s island, you will need a Dodo Code. Dodo Codes are unique codes generated for every player – they help to ensure that only players with the code can visit the island.

If you have friends who also play Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it can be a fun experience to visit their islands. You can exchange ideas, learn new tricks, and have a good time together. Even if you don’t have friends who play the game, you can still access other players’ islands through online play. And for those times when you just want to explore a new island on your own, you can always opt to visit a random island.

Dream Gates, on the other hand, are more of a solo experience. They allow you to visit dream versions of other players’ islands without actually being present on their island. This could be helpful if you want to get inspiration for how to decorate your own island or if you simply want to experience a different kind of island.

To use Dream Gates, you need to lie down on a bed in your home and enter Luna’s dream world. From there, you can input the dream address code of the island that you want to visit. You can find dream address codes through social media, forums, or by asking friends. One thing to keep in mind when using Dream Gates is that you cannot take anything back with you. You won’t be able to keep any of the items that you collect during your dream visit, but you will retain the knowledge of how the island was designed.

Whether you are using Dodo Gates or Dream Gates, there are certain things that you should keep in mind before embarking on your trip. First, make sure that you have everything that you need – tools, food, medicine and so on. Once you are on another island, you won’t be able to return home until you’re ready to leave. It’s also a good idea to read up on the island rules beforehand. Some players may have specific rules when it comes to taking items, running over flowers, or other island etiquette.

Another thing to keep in mind when using Gates is that you should be respectful of other players. Just as you have a vision for your own island, other players may have their own vision for their islands. It’s always a good idea to ask before taking anything or making any major changes.

In conclusion, Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates are an excellent way to explore other islands, make new friends and gather inspiration for your own island development. Whether you are using Dodo Gates to visit another player’s island or Dream Gates to visit dream versions of other players’ islands, there’s no doubt that these Gates will add a whole new dimension to your Animal Crossing experience. So go ahead and start exploring – you never know what treasures you might find.

Thank you for reading this article on Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates. We hope that you found the information helpful and informative. Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Animal Crossing: New Horizons Gates

What are the gates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

The gates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are used for multiplayer gameplay which allows players to visit other islands and interact with other players.

How do I unlock the gates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

To unlock the gates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players need to progress to Day 2 in the game. Afterward, Tom Nook will introduce the Airport and offer a short tutorial about online play. Once the tutorial is finished, players can unlock the gates to invite others to their island or visit other islands using the Airport.

How many players can visit an island at once?

A maximum of 8 players including the host can visit an island at once. When there are more than three players on an island, visitors will need to wait for the host to lead them around the island.

Can I visit random players’ islands?

No, you can only visit those islands that you have been invited to or have received a Dodo Code from.

How to open the gate for visitors in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

To open the gate for visitors in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players need to go to the airport and talk to Orville. Select the “I want visitors” option and choose whether to allow friends or anyone to visit. A Dodo code will then be generated for players to share with their friends or anyone they’d like to invite.

Can I prevent strangers from visiting my island?

Yes, players can choose to only allow friends to visit their island or set a Dodo code that they can share with those they trust. Players can also report players who tried to ruin their island.

Can I travel to islands while someone is visiting my island?

No, players cannot leave their island while someone is visiting.

How can I kick visitors off my island?

To kick visitors off your island, players can use the “end online session” option at the airport or request visitors to leave by using the “-“ option on their player passport.

Does Animal Crossing: New Horizons have crossplay?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons does not have crossplay between different platforms. Players can only play with those who are on the same platform as them.

How do I get back to my island in multiplayer mode?

To get back to your island in multiplayer mode, talk to Orville at the airport and select the “I want to fly” option, then select back to home island.

Will events still happen if I have visitors on my island?

Yes, events will still occur on your island even if you have visitors.

Are there any penalties for visiting random players’ islands?

No, there are no penalties for visiting random players’ islands. However, players should always practice good manners and be respectful of the host’s island and property.

Can I transfer ownership of an island to another player?

Unfortunately, transferring ownership of the island to another player is not possible in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Can I visit my friend's island while they’re offline?

No, players can only visit their friends' islands while their friends are online and their gates are open.

Can I trade items with other players while visiting their island?

Yes, players can trade items with other players while visiting their island.

Can I visit other players’ islands using local play?

Yes, you can visit other players’ islands using local play by connecting your Nintendo Switch to the other player’s console wirelessly or with a LAN cable.

How do I block another player from visiting my island?

To block another player from visiting your island, you need to go to your profile page on your Nintendo Switch. Select the “add friend” option > “search users you played with recently” and select the player you want to block. Then select the “block” option next to their name.

What happens if I don’t close the gates when I’m done playing multiplayer mode?

If you don't close the gates, other players can still come to your island after you’ve disconnected, which may lead to other players stealing things on your island or causing damage to your island.

Do visitors take away resources like woods and stones?

No, visitors cannot take away resources like woods and stones from your island. However, they can catch fish, bugs, and turnips if permitted on your island.