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Discover How to Plant Turnips in Animal Crossing for a Successful Harvest!

Discover How to Plant Turnips in Animal Crossing for a Successful Harvest!

Animal Crossing is a popular video game that has taken the world by storm. Players get to engage in various activities like fishing, bug catching, and planting crops among others. One of the questions that have been asked frequently is, can I plant turnips Animal Crossing? Well, in this article we'll answer that question and provide more information about planting turnips in the game.

First and foremost, the answer is yes, you can plant turnips in Animal Crossing. Turnips are an essential part of the game's economy and can be sold for a profit in the game's stock market, the Stalk Market.

Now, you might be wondering, how do I plant turnips in Animal Crossing? Planting turnips is easy; first, you need to buy the turnip seeds from Daisy Mae on Sunday mornings. Once you have the seeds, you can plant them just like any other crop.

It is important to note that turnips have a relatively short lifespan in the game. They can only last for one week before they rot and become useless. Therefore, it is wise to sell them as soon as possible when their prices are high to make a profit.

Speaking of prices, turnip prices can fluctuate massively in the Stalk Market. On some days, the price may be high, allowing you to make a considerable profit. However, on other days, the price may crash, causing significant losses. Therefore, it is crucial to keep an eye on the turnip prices to maximize your profit.

Another critical factor to consider when planting turnips in Animal Crossing is the weather. The game's weather plays a vital role in the growth of crops, and turnips are no exception. Sunny days are ideal for growing crops, while rainy days might slow down the growth process.

If you're a seasoned Animal Crossing player, you may already know that turnips are not the only crop you can grow in the game. However, they are arguably the most lucrative crop in the game's economy. Planting turnips could be the solution to help you amass wealth and take your game to new heights.

Some players might have reservations about planting turnips as they fear making losses. However, with careful planning and informed decision-making, turnips can be an excellent investment in the game. You just need to be patient, keep an eye on the market trends, and make wise selling decisions.

In conclusion, if you've been wondering, can I plant turnips Animal Crossing, the answer is yes, you can. Planting turnips can be a profitable venture in the game's economy if done right. Ensure you buy from Daisy Mae on Sundays, keep an eye on the weather, market trends, and make informed decisions to maximize your profits. Happy planting!

Can I Plant Turnips Animal Crossing
"Can I Plant Turnips Animal Crossing" ~ bbaz

Can I Plant Turnips Animal Crossing?

Animal Crossing is a popular simulation game that involves the lives of animals living in a village that you get to control. One of the engaging activities in this game is farming, where players can grow and harvest various types of crops. Turnips are one of the widely planted produce, and players might wonder if they can plant turnips in Animal Crossing. The answer to this question is yes; players can plant turnips in Animal Crossing.

How to Get Turnips in Animal Crossing

Players can purchase turnips from Joan the Turnip Seller, who visits their village every Sunday. Once you buy the turnips from Joan, you can begin planting them in your farm. However, it is essential to know that turnips have a limited shelf life, and they will only last for one week before they rot. This means that you must sell them after harvesting within the same week of purchase.

How to Plant Turnips

The process of planting turnips in Animal Crossing is straightforward. First, players need to choose a suitable location in their farm where they want to plant the turnips. You can start by digging a small hole in the soil using a shovel and then dropping your turnips inside. Be sure to give each turnip enough space to grow by leaving about one tile in between each seedling.

After planting the turnips, players must water them daily using a watering can. It is essential to keep the soil moist, which will help the seeds to germinate quickly. As the turnips grow, players must regularly check for any signs of pests or disease and take measures to control them promptly.

How to Harvest Turnips

The harvesting process for turnips in Animal Crossing is simple. Players need only to use a shovel to dig up the turnips from the soil once they have reached full maturity. It is essential to harvest your turnips as soon as possible, as the longer you wait, the more likely they are to rot.

Once you have harvested your turnips, you may choose to sell them or use them in various recipes in the game.

The Benefits of Planting Turnips in Animal Crossing

1. Turnips can be profitable if players sell them at the right time since their prices fluctuate every week.

2. Players can also use turnips as an ingredient in various recipes, which can help them earn money.

3. Planting turnips is a fun and engaging way to farm and add diversity to your farm's produce.

Tips for Planting Turnips in Animal Crossing

1. Be sure to water your turnips daily to ensure that they grow healthy and fast.

2. Check for signs of pests and disease regularly, and take measures to control them promptly.

3. Sell your harvested turnips within one week to avoid spoilage.


Planting turnips in Animal Crossing is a fun and engaging way to farm and diversify your produce. While turnips have a limited shelf life, they are profitable if sold at the right time. By following the tips mentioned above, players can successfully grow turnips in their own Animal Crossing village and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Can I Plant Turnips Animal Crossing: A Comparison between New Horizons and Previous Installments

The Evolution of Turnip Planting in Animal Crossing

Since the release of the first Animal Crossing game back in 2001, turnips have been a staple crop for players to invest in and make a profit. However, the mechanics of planting turnips have changed throughout the series, and the latest installment, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, is no exception.

Selling Turnips

In every Animal Crossing game, the goal of planting turnips is to sell them at a high price and make a profit. In previous games, players had to sell their turnips on the same day they bought them before they went bad and lost their value. In New Horizons, however, players have a whole week to sell their turnips before they rot and become worthless.

Buying Turnips

Another significant difference in New Horizon’s turnip market is the way players purchase turnips. In previous games, turnips were available to buy only on Sunday mornings from a special vendor, Joan. Players could then sell these turnips for a higher price during the following week. In New Horizons, however, the turnip market is accessible on any weekday morning, and the buying price differs each day. This can be a benefit or disadvantage depending on the prices available on a particular day.

Turnip Planting and Harvesting

In previous Animal Crossing games, players could not plant turnips directly into the ground. Instead, players would need to dig a hole first and place turnips, leading to a tedious process in planting them, which would take up time. In New Horizons, players can now use a hoe item to effectively plant their turnips, making the process more streamlined and efficient.

Limited Amount of Turnip Planting

However, there is one main drawback to planting turnips in New Horizons -- you can only plant them on a specific part of your island. In previous games, players could use any area on their town map to make a turnip field. In New Horizons, players need to calculate the available space and be strategic about how much they can plant as a result.


In conclusion, the experience of planting turnips in Animal Crossing has evolved significantly throughout the series. While New Horizons may have some downsides to turnip planting, such as limited space and fluctuating market prices, it still provides a fresh and exciting experience compared to earlier titles. If you're an Animal Crossing fan who hasn't tried planting turnips in New Horizons, it's definitely worth giving a try, who knows you can make a good profit!
Previous Animal Crossing Games Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Turnips become worthless after one week Players have a whole week to sell turnips before rotting
Turnips are only available on Sundays from Joan Turnips are available every weekday from a rotating cast of NPC’s
Planting turnips required digging a hole before placing seeds Players can now use a hoe to plant turnips directly into the ground
Turnips could be planted anywhere within the town map They can only be planted on a specified part of your island

Can I Plant Turnips in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?


Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game that has captured the hearts of many players all over the world. In this game, you can do various activities like fishing, catching bugs, decorating your home and town, meeting new characters and, of course, farming. One of the most popular crops to farm in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are turnips. However, some players might be questioning if they can actually plant turnips in the game. The answer is yes!

What are turnips in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Turnips are a type of vegetable in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that can be bought from Daisy Mae every Sunday morning. They are used to make a profit by selling them to Timmy and Tommy at Nook's Cranny throughout the week. However, you have to make sure to sell them before they spoil, which usually happens seven days after buying them.

How do I plant turnips in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

To plant turnips, you need to follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Buy turnips from Daisy Mae

On every Sunday morning between 5 AM and 12 PM, Daisy Mae will visit your island and sell turnips. You can buy as many as you want, but make sure to have enough bells to spend.

Step 2: Find a spot to plant your turnips

You can plant turnips only on a patch of land with soil. These can be found anywhere on your island or even created by using a shovel to dig up grass.

Step 3: Plant your turnips

Once you have found a good spot, select the turnips from your inventory and place them on the soil. Make sure to leave a space between each turnip, as they need room to grow.

Step 4: Water your turnips

After planting your turnips, make sure to water them every day until they are fully grown.

Step 5: Harvest your turnips

Your turnips will be ready for harvest after four days. Visit your turnips and hit them with a shovel to retrieve them.

How much can I sell my turnips for?

The price of turnips can vary each week and change twice a day. The selling price of turnips is usually higher in the middle of the week but can change at any moment. To check the current selling price, you can visit Nook's Cranny and speak to Timmy and Tommy.

Tips for planting turnips in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your turnip farming in Animal Crossing: New Horizons:

1. Buy low and sell high

Keep an eye on the selling price of turnips and wait for it to increase. When the price is high, sell your turnips for a good profit.

2. Share turnip prices with friends

Turnip prices can vary from island to island, so it's a good idea to communicate with friends who play the game and see if they have high prices to sell at.

3. Don't forget to water your turnips

Watering your turnips every day will ensure they grow to their full potential. Don't let them spoil!

4. Plant multiple patches of turnips

Planting multiple patches of turnips will give you more chances to get a good selling price, and even if one patch doesn't sell for much, another might.

5. Use turnips as gifts

Turnips can be given as gifts to your animal friends, increasing your friendship with them.


Planting and harvesting turnips in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a fun and profitable activity that can add another dimension to the game. By following these simple steps and tips, you can become a pro turnip farmer in no time!

Can I Plant Turnips in Animal Crossing?

If you're a fan of Animal Crossing, you may have heard about the new turnip feature that was introduced in the latest game, New Horizons. The turnip market is a feature that allows players to buy and sell turnips in the game for varying prices throughout the week. But can you plant turnips in Animal Crossing? The short answer is no, you cannot plant turnips in Animal Crossing.

Unlike many other crops in the game, turnips are not something that you can grow on your island. Instead, they must be purchased from a special character named Daisy Mae who appears on Sunday mornings. She will sell you turnips for a certain price, which changes each week. After you purchase them, you can sell them to other characters on your island for a higher price on different days of the week, depending on the fluctuating turnip market.

A lot of players have been wondering if they can plant turnips in order to maximize their profits in the turnip market. Unfortunately, this is not possible in Animal Crossing. While there are plenty of other crops that can be grown on your island, turnips are not one of them. Instead, players must rely on purchasing them from Daisy Mae and then selling them for a profit later in the week.

The turnip market can be a great way to make some extra bells in the game, but it does come with some risk. Just like in real life, the turnip market can be unpredictable and volatile. Prices can vary wildly from day to day, and it can be difficult to know when to sell your turnips in order to get the best price. Interestingly enough, the turnip market is actually based on real-world economics, with supply and demand affecting the prices that you get for your turnips.

While you can't plant turnips in Animal Crossing, there are a few things that you can do to make the most of the turnip market. One is to check prices regularly and keep track of trends, so you can get a sense of when prices are likely to be high or low. Another is to trade turnips online with other players, which can help you get a better price if prices on your island aren't great. And of course, you can always take a risk and buy a lot of turnips early in the week, hoping that the prices will go up later on.

In conclusion, while you can't plant turnips in Animal Crossing, the turnip market is still a fun and interesting feature that can help you earn some extra bells. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, it's definitely worth giving the turnip market a try and seeing how much money you can make!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about turnips in Animal Crossing. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Happy turnip trading!

Can I Plant Turnips in Animal Crossing?

People also ask:

1. What are turnips in Animal Crossing?

Turnips are a form of currency featured in the Animal Crossing series. Players can buy them from Daisy Mae on Sundays and sell them for a higher price during the week.

2. Can you plant turnips in Animal Crossing?

No, turnips cannot be planted in Animal Crossing. They can only be bought and sold for profit.

3. How do I make money with turnips in Animal Crossing?

Players can make money with turnips by buying them at a low price and then selling them at a higher price during the week to Timmy and Tommy at Nook's Cranny or other players in multiplayer mode.

4. What happens if I don't sell my turnips in Animal Crossing?

If a player does not sell their turnips before the next Sunday, they will rot and become worthless, resulting in a loss of bells (the in-game currency).

5. Is there a limit to how many turnips I can buy in Animal Crossing?

There is no limit to how many turnips a player can buy or sell in Animal Crossing, but players should be careful not to buy too many if they cannot sell them all before they rot.