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Get Rid of Stumps in Animal Crossing: A Quick and Easy Guide

Get Rid of Stumps in Animal Crossing: A Quick and Easy Guide

Do you love playing Animal Crossing, but are frustrated by the stumps in your village? Removing stumps in Animal Crossing is a task that many players struggle with. However, with the right tools and techniques, stump removal can be a breeze. In this article, we will outline how to remove stumps in Animal Crossing.

Firstly, it's important to note that stumps cannot be removed with a regular shovel. You will need to obtain a special tool known as an Axe. This tool can be purchased from the Nook's Cranny store or crafted yourself if you have the recipe. Once you have an axe, you can begin the stump removal process.

One effective method of removing stumps is to chop them up using the axe. Simply approach the stump and start chopping away until it is removed. However, this method can be time-consuming and may damage your axe, reducing its durability.

If you're looking for a quicker, more efficient way to remove stumps, you can grind them down using a stump grinder. This machine can be purchased or rented from the garden center. It works by grinding the stump into small wood chips, making it easier to remove the remains of the stump.

Another option is to use explosives to remove stumps. While this may seem like a drastic measure, it can be an effective way to get rid of stubborn stumps. However, this method should only be attempted by experienced players who know what they are doing, as it can be dangerous if not done correctly.

If you prefer a more natural approach, you can use a chemical stump remover. This product can be found at most garden centers and works by breaking down the stump over time. Simply apply the chemical to the stump and wait for it to rot away on its own.

No matter which method you choose, it's important to be patient and persistent when removing stumps in Animal Crossing. It may take some time and effort, but the end result will be well worth it when your village looks pristine and stump-free.

It's also important to remember that stumps can attract bugs and other critters. Removing stumps can help keep your village clean and bug-free, and will ensure that your villagers are happy and healthy.

In conclusion, removing stumps in Animal Crossing can be a frustrating task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done effectively. Whether you choose to chop them up, grind them down, or remove them naturally, the key is to stay persistent and patient. So grab your axe and get to work – your village will thank you for it!

How To Remove Stumps Animal Crossing
"How To Remove Stumps Animal Crossing" ~ bbaz


Animal Crossing is one of the most popular simulation games around the world. It's an adorable game that focuses on taking care of animals and living a peaceful life. However, it can be quite frustrating when a stump obstructs your way or affects the aesthetic value of your island. Luckily for you, there are ways to remove stumps in Animal Crossing. In this article, we'll go through the steps on how to remove stumps in Animal Crossing.

Tools You Need

Before you start removing stumps, you should make sure that you have the correct tools. You'll need an axe, a shovel, and a fruit of any kind. It's essential to have these three items to complete the process successfully.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Eat Some Fruit

The first step in removing stumps is eating a piece of fruit. Any fruit will do, such as apples, oranges, cherries, peaches, or pears. Eating fruit gives you extra strength, allowing you to dig up trees and stumps with ease.

Step 2: Equip Your Axe

Next, you need to equip your axe. To do this, open your inventory and select the axe. Once it's equipped, head towards the stump you want to remove. The axe will be used to chop the stump into smaller pieces.

Step 3: Chop Down The Tree

Once you are next to the stump, you should chop down the tree with your axe. Chopping down the tree will turn it into a stump. It's essential to do this step, or else you won't be able to remove the stump properly.

Step 4: Equip Your Shovel

The next step is to equip your shovel. To do this, open your inventory, select the shovel, and equip it. You'll need a shovel to dig up the stump and remove it entirely.

Step 5: Dig Up The Stump

Use your shovel to dig up the stump from the ground. This process may take some time, so be patient. Keep digging until you see the whole stump. The tree will be removed entirely once you clear the stump from the ground.

Step 6: Repeat the Process for Multiple Stumps

If you have more stumps on your island, repeat the process for each stump. Make sure to have enough fruit, axe, and shovel to remove all of them. You can also get rid of multiple stumps in one day by eating more fruit.

Step 7: Dispose of The Stumps

Once you've removed all the stumps, you'll need to dispose of them. You can either sell them to Timmy and Tommy or place them in your garbage bin. It's essential to dispose of them properly to avoid cluttering your island.


Removing stumps in Animal Crossing is relatively easy, but it can be time-consuming. By following these steps, you can remove stumps and keep your island looking beautiful. It's important to have the necessary tools and patience to complete the process successfully. Removing stumps is just one of the many things you can do to improve your Animal Crossing experience.

Comparison of Various Ways to Remove Stumps in Animal Crossing


Animal Crossing is a popular game that has been around for years. One of the challenges of playing the game involves removing stumps that are scattered across your island. These stumps can be a hindrance to building and landscaping efforts and they are not easy to get rid of. In this article, we will explore five different ways to remove stumps from your Animal Crossing island.

Method 1: Shovel

Using a shovel to remove stumps in Animal Crossing is one of the earliest methods available. Essentially, you just use your shovel to dig around the base of the stump and then push it over. This method is not very efficient, however, as it takes a long time and requires a lot of effort. Additionally, it can be difficult to find enough space to dig around the entire stump.


- Cheap- No special items required


- Time-consuming- Requires a lot of effort- Difficult to find enough space

Method 2: Eat Fruit and Dig up the Stump

Another method is to eat fruit and then use your shovel to dig up the entire stump. This method is more efficient than using just a shovel because you can easily clear away the entire stump with the shovel once you have eaten the fruit. However, it can be difficult to acquire enough fruit to eat.


- More efficient than just using a shovel- Entire stump can be cleared away once the fruit has been eaten


- Difficult to get enough fruit- Fruit has other uses in the game

Method 3: Use an Axe

A third method involves using an axe to chop down the tree and then dig up the stump. This method is more efficient than just using a shovel but can be quite time consuming. Additionally, it requires a lot of effort and isn't ideal when it comes to removing multiple stumps.


- More efficient than using just a shovel- Entire stump can be cleared away once the tree is chopped down


- Time-consuming- Requires a lot of effort- Not ideal for removing multiple stumps

Method 4: Use a Golden Axe

The fourth method is to use a golden axe to chop down the tree and dig up the stump. The golden axe is much more durable than a regular axe, which makes it a more effective tool for removing stumps. However, obtaining a golden axe can be very difficult and there are only a limited number available.


- More efficient than using a regular axe- More durable than a regular axe


- Difficult to obtain- Only a limited number available

Method 5: Use a Stump Remover Tool

The final method involves using a stump remover tool to remove stumps from your island. This tool is specifically designed to remove stumps and is the most efficient method available. It requires very little effort and allows you to quickly remove multiple stumps.


- Very efficient- Requires very little effort- Ideal for removing multiple stumps


- More expensive than other methods- Requires additional item procurement


Overall, the most efficient method for removing stumps in Animal Crossing is by using a stump remover tool. While this method requires additional item procurement and is more expensive, it saves a lot of time and effort in the long run. The other methods are viable options if you don't have access to a stump remover tool, but they all require a lot of time and effort and are not as efficient. Ultimately, the choice of method will depend on your personal preferences, access to items, and available resources.

How To Remove Stumps in Animal Crossing

If you are an avid player of Animal Crossing, you are probably aware that some trees you have to remove can leave stumps behind. These stump can be quite an obstacle for your landscaping project or island design aspirations.Removing these stumps can be quite easy with the right tools and techniques under your belt. In this article, we will go over some tips on how to remove stumps in Animal Crossing.

Step 1: Gather The Right Tools

To remove stumps, you will require a certain set of equipment that is available through DIY recipes or purchased from the shop. You will need:- Shovel- Stone axe or stronger (flimsy axe or regular axe)If you don't have any of these items, you can purchase them from the Nook's Cranny or craft them with the recipe.

Step 2: Dig around the stump

Using a shovel, start digging around the stump. This should loosen the soil and make it easier to get to the roots of the stump. You will want to dig around the stump until the roots are exposed.

Step 3: Using an Axe

Once you have fully dug around the stump, use a stone axe or stronger to chop off all of the roots attached to the stump. It should take a few minutes to break all the roots to completely remove the stump.

Step 4: Fill in the Hole Left by the Stump

Now that you have successfully removed the stump, you will need to fill in the hole. Do not forget to water the spot generously as the dirt may shift over time.

Step 5: Repeat Steps 2 to 4 for Each Stump

If you have more than one stump, repeat steps 2 to 4 for the remaining stumps.

Pro Tips

1. Make sure that you have sufficient materials before starting to remove stumps. 2. If you want to make the process faster, ask your friends to help you remove the stumps. This way, they can join in and speed up the task.3. You can use manure on the spot where the stump was removed. It can help the grass grow back faster.


Removing stumps may seem daunting at first, but with proper tools and techniques, anyone can do it. Just remember to gather all necessary materials, dig around the stump to expose the roots, use an axe to chop off the roots, and fill in the hole once removed. With these tips and tricks, your Animal Crossing island will be stump-free in no time!

How To Remove Stumps Animal Crossing - A Complete Guide

Welcome to our guide on How to Remove Stumps in Animal Crossing! Stumps can be a real eyesore on your beautiful island and can even get in the way of building new structures or expanding your land. But fear not, we’ve got you covered with all the tips and tricks for removing stumps in Animal Crossing.

First things first, you will need a shovel or an axe to remove stumps. Once you have either of these tools, you can start the stump removal process by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Dig around the stump

The first step in removing a stump is to dig around it. You’ll want to dig a trench around the stump to expose its roots and make it easier to remove. You can use your shovel for this step, but it’s important to be careful not to damage any nearby flowers or trees.

Step 2: Cut the roots

Once you’ve dug around the stump, you will need to cut the roots. The best way to do this is with an axe. Using your axe, chop away at the roots until they are small enough to pull out of the ground. Be careful not to damage any nearby trees or plants in the process.

Step 3: Remove the stump

Now that you’ve cut the roots, it’s time to remove the stump. Grab onto the stump and start wiggling it back and forth. The stump should start to loosen up, and you’ll be able to pull it out of the ground. If the stump is still firmly rooted in the ground, you may need to continue cutting away at the roots until it comes loose.

Step 4: Dispose of the stump

Once you’ve removed the stump, you will need to dispose of it. You can either throw it in the trash or dump it in the ocean. If you’re feeling particularly crafty, you can even use the stump to make furniture or other decorative items for your island!

Now that you know the four simple steps to removing a stump, there are a few additional tips and tricks that can make the process even easier:

Tip 1: Use a sturdier tool

If the stump is particularly large or stubborn, you may find it easier to use a sturdier tool to remove it. A pickaxe or a chainsaw can make quick work of even the toughest stumps.

Tip 2: Use fertilizer

If you’re having trouble cutting through the roots, try using fertilizer. The fertilizer will help to break down the roots and make them easier to cut through.

Tip 3: Get help from friends

If you have friends who also play Animal Crossing, ask them for help! They can help you dig around the stump, cut the roots, or even lend you a sturdier tool.


That’s all there is to it! Now you know exactly how to remove a stump in Animal Crossing. With a little bit of patience and these simple tips and tricks, you can easily get rid of any stumps that are cluttering up your island. So grab your axe and start removing those stumps today!

Thank you for reading our guide on How to Remove Stumps in Animal Crossing. We hope you found it helpful! If you have any additional tips or tricks, feel free to share them in the comments below. Happy stump removing!

People Also Ask: How To Remove Stumps in Animal Crossing?

What tools do I need to remove stumps in Animal Crossing?

To remove stumps in Animal Crossing, you will need an axe and a shovel. You can find these tools at the Nook's Cranny store or craft them using DIY recipes.

How do I remove stumps in Animal Crossing?

Follow these steps to remove stumps in Animal Crossing:

  1. Equip your axe and chop down the tree that the stump is attached to.
  2. Use your shovel to dig up the remaining stump.
  3. If the stump has a visible root, use your axe to chop it away before digging up the stump.
  4. The removed stump will turn into stump decor which you can sell or use for crafting.

Can I remove stumps without destroying the tree?

No, unfortunately, you cannot remove stumps without first chopping down the tree they are attached to in Animal Crossing. However, you can always plant a new tree afterwards using a sapling.

What can I do with the removed stumps?

The removed stumps can be crafted into various items such as chairs, tables, or even an outdoor bath by using a DIY recipe. They can also be sold for a small amount of bells.