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Unpacking the Mystery of Animal Interference with USPS: Impact and Solutions Explained

Unpacking the Mystery of Animal Interference with USPS: Impact and Solutions Explained

Animal interference is a common occurrence that can delay the delivery of your mail. As much as we love animals, they can create havoc for the United States Postal Service (USPS). Are you curious about what animal interference means USPS? Then keep reading.

Did you know that in 2020, the USPS recorded over 5,800 animal attacks on postal workers? This statistic alone should show you how serious animal interference can be.

Now, you might be thinking, Why would an animal interfere with mail delivery? The answer is simple: they are protecting their territory. Animals often see mailboxes as their homes, which results in territorial behavior such as attacking postal workers or chewing on packages.

If you think only dogs interfere with mail delivery, think again. Animals such as snakes, raccoons, and even turkeys have contributed to mail disruptions. Yes, you read that right, turkeys!

The USPS takes animal interference seriously and has taken measures to ensure the safety of both the postal workers and the animals. One of these measures includes providing training for their employees to identify and avoid potentially dangerous animal situations.

However, sometimes animal interference is unavoidable. In instances where it is not safe for postal workers to deliver mail, USPS will resort to holding the mail until the situation is resolved.

But what can you, as a customer, do to prevent animal interference? One solution is to simply move your mailbox away from areas where animals typically roam or reside.

Another solution is to secure your mailbox to prevent animals from accessing it. This can include adding a lock to the mailbox or installing a wall-mounted or post-mounted mailbox that is out of reach of animals.

Now, you might be thinking, Why should I care about animal interference? Well, if you've experienced a delay in receiving mail due to animal interference, you know how frustrating it can be. Plus, not receiving your mail on time can result in late fee payments or missed important documents.

In conclusion, animal interference is a real issue that the USPS faces regularly. While the USPS takes measures to ensure the safety of their workers and animals, it is still important for customers to do their part and prevent animal interference from happening.

So, the next time you hear of a mail delivery delay due to animal interference, remember that preventing it is a team effort. By taking action to secure your mailbox and reduce the risk of animal encounters, you can help keep the mail flowing smoothly.

What Does Animal Interference Mean Usps
"What Does Animal Interference Mean Usps" ~ bbaz

The United States Postal Service (USPS) delivers millions of packages and letters every day, and while the service is efficient and reliable, sometimes delivery can be delayed because of animal interference. Animal interference refers to any incidents where animals affect the delivery process.

Examples of Animal Interference

There are various ways that animal interference can affect USPS operations. Some of the common ones include:

1. Dogs

Dogs are the most common domestic animals that usually interfere with USPS deliveries. They bark or chase after postal workers, causing delays in mail delivery.

2. Wildlife Animals

Wildlife animals living near the mailboxes can interfere with the delivery process. For example, squirrels may disrupt the path to a mailbox or even climb into the box. This causes postal workers to delay deliveries until it is safe for them to access the mailbox.

3. Pets Inside Mailboxes

If a pet such as a cat is inside a mailbox and postal workers notice this while delivering, they will not attempt to place mail to reduce harm to the animal.

4. Nesting Birds

Birds that build their nests nearby mailboxes can interfere with deliveries too. Postal workers may have to bypass certain paths to avoid disturbing these nests, thus delaying delivery.

How Animal Interference Affects USPS Deliveries

There are several ways animal interference can affect USPS deliveries. These include:

1. Delayed Deliveries

The most significant impact of animal interference is delayed deliveries. If a postal worker perceives that delivering mail can cause harm to animals, they may decide to skip delivering that mail item altogether or come back later.

2. Safety and Liability

Animal interference can also create a risk of harm or injury to postal workers, which may lead to safety concerns and liability issues on USPS's part. Postal Workers should be careful when dealing with animals around mailboxes.

3. Damaged Packages

When animals disrupt mail delivery boxes, there is a risk of mail items being damaged. For instance, squirrels can chew through mailboxes, causing extensive damage that can render them unusable until repaired.

Measures Taken to Address Animal Interference

USPS takes animal interference seriously and has several measures put in place to address the issue. These measures include:

1. Posting Warning Signs

The USPS posts warning signs at mailbox locations where animals are likely to interfere with deliveries, such as rural areas. This measures helps postal workers know how to deal with animals and to note any suspicious pets near their routine delivery time.

2. Avoiding High-Risk Areas

Postal workers avoid high-risk areas where they have encountered animal interference in the past. This is an effective way to reduce the risk of animal attacks or injuries, which can impact mail delivery operations.

3. Improving Mailboxes

The USPS improved mailboxes to mitigate the chances of animals damaging them. They added metal shielding to the bottom of mailboxes preventing animals from entering, and even introduced lockable mailboxes to reduce risks like cat fur left in the box after they nap.


Animal interference is a significant factor that delays mail deliveries, affects the safety of postal workers, and damages the mailboxes. The USPS understands these impacts and has implemented measures to mitigate the effects. It is crucial for pet owners to take responsibility for their pets and keep them under control when postal workers are present. Mail delivery requires cooperation between postal workers, pet owners, and even those who live in areas with wildlife to ensure efficient and reliable service.

What Does Animal Interference Mean USPS?


Animal interference in the United States Postal Service (USPS) is a common occurrence. Sometimes, animals can cause delays in the delivery of your mail or damage to your property. In this article, we will discuss what animal interference means for USPS and how to prevent it.

What is animal interference?

The USPS defines animal interference as any obstruction caused by an animal that prevents the delivery of mail. This includes dogs, cats, birds, and even wild animals.


Dogs are the most common animals that interfere with USPS deliveries. According to USPS, dogs were responsible for over 5800 incidents in 2019. Dogs can bite, chase, or attack mail carriers, causing injuries and delays in mail delivery.


Cats are not usually aggressive towards mail carriers like dogs, but they can jump on mail trucks and scatter letters and packages. They can also scratch and damage packages, especially if they smell food inside.


Birds can also cause interference by building nests near mailboxes or perching on top of them. They can defecate on mail, making it unsanitary and slowing down deliveries.

Wild Animals

Wild animals like raccoons, squirrels, and deer can damage mailboxes and steal mail. They can chew on packages, leaving them unrecognizable, or run into mail carriers, causing injuries.

How to prevent animal interference?

Preventing animal interference is crucial for the safety of mail carriers and timely delivery of mail. Here are some tips to prevent animal interference:

Secure your mailbox

Make sure your mailbox is securely fastened to the ground and has a tight lid. This will prevent animals from accessing your mail and protect it from weather conditions.

Keep your pets indoors

If you have pets, keep them inside or confined to a fenced yard during mail delivery hours. This will prevent them from chasing or attacking mail carriers.

Use animal repellents

You can use animal repellents like pepper spray or citronella oil to deter animals from approaching your mailbox. Make sure to use them safely and as directed by the manufacturer.

Talk to your neighbors

If you notice any aggressive or loose animals in your neighborhood, talk to your neighbors or local animal control. They can help prevent animal interference and promote safety.


In conclusion, animal interference can cause delays and damage to USPS deliveries. It is crucial to prevent animal interference by securing your mailbox, keeping your pets indoors, using animal repellents, and talking to your neighbors. By taking these measures, you can help promote safety and timely delivery of your mail.

Understanding Animal Interference in USPS


The United States Postal Service (USPS) is one of the largest postal services in the world, with millions of letters and packages being delivered every day. While the USPS is known for its efficient delivery services, sometimes packages can get delayed or lost due to several reasons. One of the significant reasons that affect the delivery of mails and packages is animal interference.

What is Animal Interference?

Animal interference in USPS refers to the problem of pets attacking mail carriers or interfering with deliveries. The most common animals that interfere with USPS deliveries include dogs, cats, and even livestock like cows and horses. When postal workers approach a house to deliver a package or letter, they sometimes get chased or attacked by aggressive pets, posing a risk to their safety.

Why is Animal Interference a Problem?

Animal interference can cause significant problems to not only mail carriers but also the customers anticipating their deliveries. When a mail carrier gets chased or bitten by a dog, he or she may suffer serious injuries that could lead to time off work. Moreover, when an animal interferes with the delivery of a package, it can delay the fulfilment of the order leading to customer dissatisfaction.

Preventing Animal Interference

As a USPS customer, it's essential to ensure your pets do not interfere with mail delivery. Here are some tips to prevent animal interference:

Secure Your Pets

When you expect a delivery at home, ensure your pets are confined to a secure area of your house. If possible, keep them in an outdoor kennel or leash them outside to prevent them from causing any harm to the mail carrier.

Provide Clear Instructions

If you have pets that tend to be aggressive, it’s important to give clear instructions to your mail carrier. As a customer, you can provide additional instructions when placing an order, asking the carrier to leave the package in a preferred location away from pets.

Use Warning Signs

Another way to prevent animal interference is by using warning signs on your property. The USPS sells posters that warn of dangerous pets and alert the carrier to take necessary precautions.

What Happens When Animals Interfere?

When an animal interferes with mail delivery, there are several solutions that USPS can take. If a dog is a risk to the carrier's safety, the USPS may request that the owner control or restrain the pet. If the owner doesn't comply with the request, the USPS may withhold their deliveries until the issue is resolved.


Animal interference is a significant problem faced by the USPS and its customers. As a customer, it's essential to safeguard your pets and prevent any harm or interference to the mail carriers. By following the simple tips above, you can ensure that your packages are delivered on time and your pets remain safe and secure.

What Does Animal Interference Mean for USPS?

Have you ever thought about what happens when your package gets delayed or lost in transit? Sometimes, the reason could be far beyond what we imagine. One such probable cause is 'animal interference.' USPS has been facing such issues for years. Animal interference refers to an event when an animal causes disturbance or damage to mail delivery services.

USPS covers 160 million delivery points every day; therefore, animal interference could happen anywhere, anytime. This article will discuss how animal interference affects USPS, types of animal interference, and some measures taken by USPS to overcome this issue.

Types of Animal Interference

USPS faces various types of animal interference that hinder their mail delivery operations. Here are a few common ones:

Bird nests

Birds usually build their nests near mailboxes or in the mailbox, which creates hurdles while parcel or mail delivery. The mailman cannot deliver mails unless he disturbs the bird's nest, so as a result, the delivery gets delayed. Sometimes, birds even attack the mailman, causing injuries and other health hazards. USPS has received several complaints about bird attacks, especially during spring and summer.


USPS has mentioned dog bites as one of the significant reasons for mail delays or packages damaged during transit. Every year USPS records around 5,800 mailmen being bitten by dogs during deliveries. Therefore, USPS has strict guidelines regarding pets or dogs in every household and has made training programs mandatory for owners of dogs known to be aggressive.


Many mailboxes remain open and susceptible to squirrels and other small animals who try to store material for insulation purposes or even avoid the predators. However, such activities cause severe damage to mails, papers, or parcels. Squirrels also have an innate habit of chewing things like wires, resulting in mailboxes needing repair.

How Animal Interference Affects USPS

Animal interference hampers the overall efficiency of the USPS system. It causes delayed delivery or lost packages leading to customer complaints and revenue loss. Animal bites and scratches could be dangerous if the mailman is not vaccinated against diseases like tetanus or rabies. Moreover, animal interference causes damage to the mailbox, and repairing them frequently increases the cost for USPS.

Measures taken by USPS

To combat animal interference problems, USPS has introduced several measures that help ensure the safety of its employees and provide better service to its customers:

Instructions and Guidelines

USPS provides a clear guideline to its employees on animal safety and how to handle aggressive animals during mail deliveries without harming them. Education and training programs have been rolled out regularly to prevent dog attacks and other such threats. USPS also educates people on ways to prevent animal interference, like keeping their pets in control and mailbox locked.

Upgrades in Mailboxes

To reduce animal interference, USPS has started replacing traditional mailboxes with premium models built with sturdy, long-lasting materials. The new mailboxes designated Priority Mailboxes and are resistant to sun, rain, and high winds, ensuring that animals cannot easily damage them.

Intermediate Milestones

Assigning intermediate milestones for delivery ensures that a package doesn't stay idle for a long time and reduces the chance of animal interference. Whenever a package surpasses a predetermined period at a particular location, the intermediate milestone instruction comes into play. These instructions are mainly provided in case of rural addresses where the mail delivery agent might face hostile animals.

Wrapping Up

Animal interference problems are not exclusive to USPS. Several other postal services around the world have been battling the same issue for a long time. However, any delay, even a small one, could result in the loss of customers to competitors who can deliver their products faster. Therefore, it's essential to tackle such problems properly. We hope that with the measures taken by USPS and strict guidelines in place, animal interference issues will reduce significantly.

Thank you for reading!

What Does Animal Interference Mean USPs: FAQs

What is animal interference?

Animal interference is when an animal, usually a dog, interferes or attacks a letter carrier during mail delivery. Dogs are the most common animals involved in animal interference cases with USPS.

How often do animal interference cases occur with USPS?

According to USPS, there were more than 5,800 dog attacks on postal employees in 2020. This shows that animal interference cases occur quite frequently with USPS.

Are there any breeds of dogs that USPS considers dangerous?

No specific breed of dog is considered dangerous by USPS. However, according to USPS policy, individual dogs can be labeled as dangerous if they show aggressive behavior towards other animals or people.

What happens if a dog interferes with a mail delivery?

  1. If a dog interferes with a mail delivery, the letter carrier will not continue delivering mail to that address until the owner takes appropriate action to contain the dog.
  2. If the dog causes an injury to the letter carrier, then the owner may be held liable and can face legal charges and fines.

What can I do to prevent animal interference with mail delivery?

  • If you own a dog, make sure that it is contained or secured during the time when your letter carrier will be delivering mail.
  • Put up signs warning about any dogs that you own or have access to around your property.
  • If you see someone else's dog loose in your neighborhood, report it to the local authorities immediately.

Can the mail delivery service stop delivering mail to me if my dog interferes with the mail delivery?

Yes, USPS may stop delivering mail to your address if your dog interferes with mail deliveries. It is important to ensure that your pet is safe and secured to avoid any inconvenience.